Chapter 2

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A few moons had passed and she was getting used to clan life. She had met another apprentice called Eaglepaw. She was also rude to Darkpaw and was friends with Shortpaw. She tried to avoid them as best she could.

"Let all cats old enough to run in the tunnels come under the big rock for a clan meeting." Fennelstar called. "Today an apprentice will become a warrior. Shortpaw step forth!"

Shortpaw stepped up and puffed his chest proudly.

"Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect this clan even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!" Shortpaw said.

"I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. I now give you your warrior name, Shorttree."

"Shorttree! Shorttree!" The clan cheered.

"Congrats!" Said Eaglepaw.

Darkpaw was happy that he was now a warrior. She had a secret crush on him even though she knew he loved Eaglepaw. 'They would make better mates.' She thought.

"Clan dismissed!" Fennelstar spoke and she snapped out of her thoughts.

Darkpaw woke up the next day. She heard the medicine cat, Oakice, talking with Eaglepaws mom, Badgerscar. 'I didn't know they were friends.' She thought.

"She has to know! She will find out later if we don't tell her!" Oakice said. "She is looking more like me, the clan will catch on."

"We can't tell Eaglepaw your her father. She will hate us." Badgerscar hissed.

Darkpaws eyes widened. 'Eaglepaws dad is the medicine cat!?' She thought. 'Medicine cats can't have kits! He broke the medicine cat code!'

"Why? Are you ashamed of me? Do you not want me in my daughter's life?"

"No I'm sorry. Your right we should tell her." Badgerscar sighed. "I just hope she won't hate me."

"She won't" Oakice reassured her. "You should go get her."

Badgerscar nodded and got up and headed for the entrance.

'Oh no! I have to run before she sees me!' She thought.

Darkpaw got up and ran to the apprentices' den. She was still shocked to hear who Eaglepaws father was.

She decided to go get some prey since she hadn't eaten yet. She grabbed a rabbit from the prey pile. She ate it quickly since she wanted to be on the morning hunting patrol. Sapphireheart said she could and she was excited. It was her first patrol.

She hurried as they were about to leave. They split into groups of two to go hunting. She was obviously with Sapphireheart since she was her mentor.

She smelled the air and Sapphireheart watched proudly as she stalked towards a rabbit scent. Fennelclan were trained to be fast so they were able to hunt rabbits and birds. When she thought she was close enough she leaped on it and grabbed it sinking her teeth in its back killing it. She padded back to Sapphireheart proudly carrying the rabbit in her jaws.

"Good job!" Sapphireheart purred.

"Thanks!" Darkpaw dipped her head proud of her catch.

"Let's head back to the rest of the hunting patrol." Sapphireheart said.

They both headed to where the rest were.

"Wow Darkpaw did you catch that by yourself?" Asked Shorttree.

"Yes!" Darkpaw said and puffed out her chest proudly. 'Wait was Shorttree actually talking to me?' She thought.

"Well good job! You would make a fine warrior" He purred.

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