First Days are the Worst Days

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I strode through the big double doors of Coolsville high and into the office.

"Hello?" I called to the empty room. "Um, hi, I'm new."

"Oh, hi! So sorry, dear." Said a middle aged woman with short curly hair and big pink glasses. "I'm sure you're looking for a schedule aren't you! What's the name?" She smiled warmly.

"Kristen." I nodded with a smile.

"Your last name, hon we got like 7 Kristens..." She added.

"Oh, sorry it's Karey. Kristen Karey."

"Ah ha! There you are." She clicked around with her mouse for a second and a printer whirred to life behind her.

She spun her chair around and grabbed a paper hot off the press and handed it to me. "Looks like you got Chemistry first, my niece Velma's in that class. Tell her I said hello and if you need any help don't be afraid to ask her."

"Thank you." I smiled and off I went to find Chemistry.

I walked with my nose down just trying to get a good look at the map of our school. I had no idea where I was going when BAM!! I smacked right into someone and landed on my butt.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" I began standing up to come face to face with a small red headed girl. "I didn't see you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Are you alright?" She asked bending to help me collect my papers.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled at her as I dusted myself off.

"I'm Daphne." She said handing my map and schedule to me.

"Kristen." I smiled as I took them and held out my other hand for a handshake.

"Well, where ya headin' Kristen? If you're new here let me help you out." She smiled.

"Chemistry with... Mr. Fritzel." I double checked my paper.

"Oh a smart one, huh? My friend Velma too. Follow me." She motioned with her hand and led the way.

We walked and talked for a minute until Daphne turned to me one last time with a "well here we are!"

"Thank you again, Daphne." I smiled as I reached for the door.

"No problem! See ya round!" Daphne smiled as she headed off to wherever she had been going.

I entered the class room only for it to go dead quiet and everyone turn to look my way.

Who I assumed was Mr. Fritzel heaved a sigh. "You're late." He hissed.

"I'm so sorry it's my first day." I explained.

"No more excuses. Sit down." He barked.

"Y-yes sir." I nodded and took a seat at the front of the room.

Mr. Fritzel turned back to the bored and resumed his lesson.

I felt someone poke me in the back and I turned to see a mousey looking girl with an orange sweater and red glasses. She waved at me. I waved at her and then turned back around.

Kristen Karey: And the Mystery of the Coolsville Crush.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon