Chapter 2 - Septicaemia

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A month passes by since The Doctor arrives on his hideout planet...

Walking into the TARDIS, I walk over to the console and plugged in my sonic screwdriver to the console unit, I then look over to the phone and told the TARDIS "I am going to give it a little more time before I call her, anyway... Analyse the data I have collected with the sonic screwdriver with the few dead bodies I found, something is not right here and I need to make sure I work out what has happened!" I begin to walk back out the TARDIS and then the TARDIS warbles and vworps, I then exclaim back "I am just going outside for a moment, stop being so needy and clingy! It's not like I stranded you on some desert world and wandered off far-far away is it? I will be right outside your doors!" As I get closer, the TARDIS throws a hissy fit and locks the doors, not allowing me to leave, I look back and exclaimed "Fine, I will stay in here for five more minutes, but when you have analysed those readings, I am getting out of here to do more research... Understood?" The TARDIS gives a sad warble and then begins analysing the readings within the sonic.

1 week later, back on Earth with Isabel...

*Knock, knock, knock.*

"Hello mum" Isabel says as she answers her front door and sees her mother standing there with a smile on her face, Isabel's mum enters her home and she says "It feels like forever since I saw you sweetheart, you been out travelling for so long!" Isabel nods and then she says "Fingers crossed I will be going again, but yes... I'm on a bit of a break for now, not by choice!" Isabel's mum frowns and then she asks "Is everything okay sweetie?" Isabel replies "Yes mum, everything is perfectly fine, do you mind for just a moment, I want to make a quick phone call." Isabel's mum nods and allows Isabel off into the kitchen. Standing in the kitchen Isabel pulls out her phone and pulls up her contacts, she then scrolls down to the TARDIS contact number, she presses it and hovers her thumb over the call button wondering whether she should or not or whether I would answer when suddenly...

*Ring, ring... Ring, ring.*

Isabel instantly answers the phone and exclaims "Doctor? I was just thinking about calling you!" Over the phone I say "Yes it's me, I wasn't going to call, but I thought it would be nice to hear your voice, I was right. I don't know how long it's been for you since you last saw me, but for me it's been about a month giving the timing!" Isabel frowns and she says "Wow! For me it's only been a week, where are you?" I clear my throat and said "I better not say that over the call, just in case and it's dangerous that I did ring you." I look over to the TARDIS console and then I say into the phone "I shouldn't be too long, I will see you again, but first I have something to do on this planet! Something I have to find out and finish." Behind the phone, Isabel nods and then says "No pressure, but hurry it up! I miss you." I chuckle and say "I miss you too kiddo... Miss you too!" I finish the call and put the phone back into the phone panel booth as I make my way back to the TARDIS console to collect my sonic screwdriver. Isabel places her phone down slowly on her kitchen countertop as she sobs into her own hand worried that I were in trouble and wasn't saying anything, she then makes her way back to her mum after she sorts herself out and she tries to continue the conversation they were having to take her mind off of me.

As I am sleeping sat up in a chair within the TARDIS, I wake up to the rapid sound of beeping. I jump out of my chair and then checked on the TARDIS monitor only to see that there is a life sign nearby, I look towards the TARDIS doors and murmured "Let's hope they're not infected..." I subtly exit the TARDIS and looked around in worry, I made sure I was aware of my entire surroundings when suddenly I hear the sound of an infected person approaching the room I am in from outside the corridor, I frown and murmured "Just as I though, I need to keep it out of here and now!" All of a sudden, I hear a gunshot and then everything fell silent. I approach the door slowly and pulled out my sonic screwdriver to yet another girl shows up looking at me confused. The girl aims her gun at me and I draw my sonic to disable it, I then frown and said "Don't bother, I disabled your weapon, let's talk like real people instead of pointing your weapon." The girl then asks "Are you infected?" I then reply "Do I look it?" She shakes her head and then lowers her weapon, putting a little trust in me. Walking up to me, the girl asks "Who are you?" I reply "I'm The Doctor and I came here to go dark, then I find that a virus has been released here amongst the spores on the outside, hence why there are people here wearing gas masks!" I then ask "And who might you be?" The girl replies "You can call me Jessy." I nod and then shook her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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