Chapter V

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~ St. Louis, Missouri ~
~ Under the Circus of the Damned ~

After they got out of the place that they went to the Circus of the Damned with their people to tell them everything. Brittany was quiet the entire time but also almost restless. It took quite a few hours to tell everything.

Brittany had sat either on a chair or on Asher's lap in arms. When she sat in a chair sometimes Jason and Nathaniel would gently touch her trying to help keep her calm. Jason immediately thought of her as a little sister and even told her so not caring who heard him do so.

Which help her feel a tiny bit better. When they all heard about her shifting into a Snow Panther they were shocked. Narcissus and Kane didn't believe that at first until she showed that she could.

Anita, Jean-Claude, and Asher told everyone what had led up to that as well.

"That's scary. Mostly because the people who took you as well as her and killed her family in front of her." Claudia said a look of disgust on her face.

"They call us monsters but they act like the true monsters." Kane said also disgusted. He also looked over at her angrily but the anger wasn't aimed at her and they both knew it.

"I'm probably considered a monster because of my Birthgifts or Profectus in Latin. Which is also probably why that happened and why whoever this is that planned that and are planning on trying to turn me into a weapon." Brittany said as she moved to hold her medium backpack tightly to her.

"It's probably the humans being scared of what they don't understand thing." Anita said.

"More than likely." Brittany said.

"What you just said about Profectus seems like you figured out what happened to you earlier before you shifted into a Snow Panther." Richard said.

"Because I did." Brittany said.

"You know a lot about the Birthgifts. Don't you?"Gregory said then asked Brittany.

"Yes I do. Because I have been writing down Birthgifts Descriptions for a year and almost two months so far. Because since I was 14 or 15 and a freshman in high school I have always wanted to be an Adventure Fantasy Fiction Author." Brittany said somewhat bragging while also blushing.

"You put a lot of thought in that didn't you." Jason said slightly teasing. Which made her blush more. Causing some to laugh. And Brittany to smile even while blushing for a bit.

"Yes. Because I love to write as well as read. If I ever don't feel like writing I'm either really sick or in such a bad way mentally that I gave up. Which is why I carry this medium sized backpack and used to carry a large backpack with me everywhere I went because I would actually get anxiety attacks from not having it." Brittany said. It was the in such a bad way mentally that caused everyone in the room, including Narcissus and Kane, to get a bad feeling from that.

"When you are truly suicidal you mean." Rafael said very seriously.

"Yes. If I ever push away my writing. That's definitely a bad sign." Brittany said while doing the trick that Jean-Claude and Asher and the other vampires are so good at doing to hide their feelings. Which unnerved everyone including Jean-Claude and Asher.

And Brittany admitting that also caused a long silence in the room.

"What else do you know about your Birthgifts?" Asher asked softly finally breaking the long silence.

"Well that those like me believe in a Goddess a lot like how Christians believe in God, and see her as a mother like Christians see him as father. And there is a school where those like me go to get training of our Gifts so that we don't accidentally hurt others. And they send an invitation to those who have basically just had an Awakening of their Birthgifts like I have, either by mail, or if those who had the Awakening are suspected by those who work at the Profectus Academies suspect that one is going to be Legacy level of Profectus Electi once they have enough control over their Birthgifts they send someone personally to bring that one or those ones to the Profectus Academy." Brittany said then was cut off before she could say it.

Brittany's Gift Awakenings (Book I of the Birthgifts Chronicles Series)Where stories live. Discover now