Chapter 1: How It All Happened (Brendon's POV)

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So I was waiting outside the school this morning, knowing Jason and Melissa would meet up with me any minute now. This was a normal routine for us, we'd meet up in front of the school, discuss movie plans, and then head to class. Jason arrived first, but oddly enough, Melissa was late. She's NEVER late! I asked Jason if he knew anything and he just shrugged his shoulders. As son as we started throwing ideas around, we heard the sound of rushed footsteps.

"Sorry I'm late, guys!" Melissa said, panting between words. Which made it clear to us that she ran to school. "I slept in AND missed my bus." She finally collapsed onto the grass in order to catch her breath. While she was recovering from her late morning, Jason and I began to tell Melissa about some of the movies we've come up with so far. We jumped from genres such as sci-fi, slasher films, and even considered trying children's films again since it...Didn't go quite well last time. After some consideration, Melissa suggested we do a safety PSA since that technically counts as children's media. But before we could brainstorm what KIND of safety we could teach to young viewers, the bell rang and we needed to head to class. 

When we entered the school building, there were still a lot of kids standing by their lockers. Some talking up a few friends, others were getting textbooks out of their lockers. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to bring my homework to turn in that day (at least, a worksheet that wasn't covered in PB&J), so I'm not so sure Mr. Lynch would approve of the soiled copy I had on hand. Either way, I'd be getting an "F" in math. My internal worrying was cut off by Melissa tapping me on the shoulder. "You remembered to bring your homework this time, right Brendon?" She asked with a hint of sternness in her voice. I acted quickly and told her that, yes, I did, by some miracle, remember to bring my homework this time. Jason couldn't stay long since he had to go to his class. So he grabbed his textbook and bid us farewell until lunch time. After that, Melissa and I headed to class. As we were about to turn to the left corridor, who would we run into, but Shannon....

"Hello, Brendon...Melissa..." Shannon greeted with one of his signature smug grins. "H-Hey, Shannon." I replied nervously. "I assume you're skipping class AGAIN?" Melissa chimed in, "And how is that your business on what I do with my life, Melissa. In fact, I had just dropped my two brothers off at THEIR classes." The school bully scoffed, feeling annoyed as to being questioned like that. "But one thing is for certain, you ARE correct on that part. Later!" Shannon then darted past us, likely so he could sneak out to do whatever it is he does on a daily basis when we aren't looking. I looked over and saw Melissa was a bit intimidated by our interaction from Shannon. "Don't worry about him, Melissa. We probably won't see Shannon until at least recess." I said, trying to reassure my friend. "That last part didn't really help, Brendon." Melissa responded. The two of us continued walking to Lynch's class after that.

Once we arrived, I found out that Lynch wasn't grading our homework today but appreciated the fact I turned mine in. "Winning extra point with Mr. Lynch? I am impressed!" Melissa said as I approached my desk. I rolled my eyes and brushed her remark off, knowing that would all change soon enough. The class opened their text books and began to tune into today's lesson. While I, as usual, zoned out and focused more on my movie ideas. Since we settled on doing a PSA, I couldn't help but wonder. What KIND of PSA we should do. Sports safety? Swimming safety? The possibilities were endless. Pretty soon, I was lost in all of my never ending thoughts for what would have been the rest of the class. I began to draw out some of my ideas on the pages of my textbook, which wasn't unusual for me since that's how I come up with costume ideas for my movies. I was so focused on this PSA that I couldn't even hear Lynch talking in the background, all I could hear was the writing of mine and other students' pencils on the paper. But all of that would come to a screeching halt when loud sirens began to go off. I quickly jerked my head upward and looked around, I saw other students running down the hallways like a pack of wild animals before hearing someone yell out.


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