Chapter 3: Let The Trauma Begin...

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When Brendon, Jason, and Melissa arrived at the Small residence, the kids quickly made a run for the basement. Brendon wanted to get a start on his PSA  and that would all start by throwing around ideas. The kids sat around a small card table in the basement, Brendon carrying a clipboard to the head of the table where he would be sitting.  Melissa, oddly enough, wasn't paying attention. This was out of character for her since she was usually able to focus easily without any issue, but she snapped out of her trance when Brendon SLAMMED the clipboard onto the table.

"So, guys. Given that we got our inspiration from...Recent events, I was wondering what we should tackle specifically for this PSA." Brendon said, trying to be open with any ideas Jason and Melissa were willing to suggest. "Well, since this is a FIRE SAFETY PSA, we should probably stick with the basics." Jason suggested. "What do you think, Melissa?" the pudgy kid turned his head towards Melissa, who was fidgeting with one of her space buns. "Melissa?" Brendon questioned. "Melissa! Brendon is talking to you!!!" Jason exclaimed, causing Melissa to jump. "J-Jason is right. We should probably stick with the basics." the girl stuttered. Brendon began to take notes using a blue crayon, "So things like calling 911 and stuff like that?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Brendon...Were you attending the all important assembly last week?" Melissa asked. ".....Let's not talk about that right now." Brendon replied, knowing that he pretended to be sick that day so he wouldn't have to attend. He's still shocked at how Paula fell for his act so easily. 

"I say this because we could use what we learned from the ASSEMBLY in our film!" Melissa explained, Jason quickly agreeing with her. "Ok, I was sick that day. So that's why I didn't go to the assembly." Brendon admitted, setting his crayon down. "We'll fill you in on the details as we go along." Jason said. "So tell me, how are we gonna emulate FIRE?" Brendon asked, putting a finger to his chin. Jason and Melissa thought for a moment, before the former widened his eyes. "We could tape colored tissue paper to a fan! I learned this in Skunk Scouts!" Jason stated. "PARFECT!" Brendon shouted, Jason and Melissa covering their ears. "But where are we gonna get colored tissue paper?" Melissa asked. "I think I have some in the back, just give me a second." Brendon hopped down from his seat and walked to the back of the basement, where Paula usually stashed any art supplies. Melissa quickly excused herself to use the bathroom, but when she went upstairs, she could picture it all again.

She could see flames blocking the basement door, causing her to run back downstairs and hide under the card table. "Well that was quick." Jason scoffed. "FIRE! FIRE!" Melissa screamed, pointing to the staircase that lacked the flames Melissa was freaking out about. "I don't see any fire, Melissa. Are you sure you didn't just hit your head on something?" The boy asked, peeking under the table. Melissa slowly crawling out. She then saw there weren't any flames visible, unlike what she saw seconds ago. "It...It must have been all in my head." She mumbled, before hearing Paula rushing downstairs, holding Josie in one arm and a fire extinguisher in the other. "Where's the fire, kids!" The mom panicked, placing Josie in Melissa's arms while she pointed the extinguisher around like a mad woman. "Ignore her, mom. Melissa is just getting into character for our PSA video!" Brendon said, trying to reassure his mother. "Thanks for letting me know, Brendon. I'm still a little bit rattled over what happened at school today." Paula replied, placing the fire extinguisher down and taking Josie out of Melissa's reach. 

"By the way, Melissa." The mom said, turning her head towards the kids. "Your dad said he has to pull an overnight shift at his workplace. So it sounds like you'll be staying with us tonight." Brendon cracked a smile at this news, knowing he would have more time to film with his friends. "Thanks, Mrs. Small!" Melissa replied with a weak smile. Paula told the kids she'd stop at Melissa house in a few minutes to collect some items, but in the meantime, she'd be doing some small household chores. This left the kids occupied with their work, Jason found a standard sized plug in fan and taped some red, orange, and yellow tissue paper to it for an upcoming scene in the movie. While Melissa was getting into costume, Brendon began to record himself doing a prologue for what to expect from his upcoming PSA. "What happened back there earlier, Melissa?" Jason whispered, trying not to disturb the monologue. "...I'd rather not talk about it..." Melissa whispered back, sitting in front of a corner, with her legs up to her chest. 

Once Brendon finished his monologue, he signaled his two friends to follow him upstairs. Jason and Melissa both carried the fan upstairs while following Brendon. Once they reached the bedroom, Jason and Melissa stood the fan up by Brendon's window. "Are you SURE this is gonna work, Jason?" Melissa questioned. "Would the Skunk Scouts ever lie to me, Melissa?" Jason replied, rolling his eyes. "Enough bickering, you two. Take your places guys. We'll be shooting in just a minute." Brendon then adjusted his camera and stood in frame, Melissa walked into the frame as well. Jason stood behind the fan, preparing to turn it on once he was given his cue. Brendon then started filming out a skit between himself and Melissa, who were playing the role of husband and wife. "How was work, honey?" Melissa asked, obviously trying her best to act. "It went well, m'dear," Brendon replied, fixing his fake glasses. "I had a big conference this afternoon, and I'd sure love to have a nice cup of coffee to keep me awake." The redhead was about to walk off screen, "I was just making dinner right now, actually." Melissa interrupted. "Want me to get a pot ready?" She offered. "That would be lovely." Brendon said, in a fake British accent. This prompted Jason to turn on the fan, but the tissue paper wasn't working at all. Instead, it covered the camera lens, which  was of zero help.

"It kiiinda looks like you guys are burning to death right now." Jason said unamused. Melissa made a run for it and hid under Brendon's bedsheets. Paula then entered and noticed the commotion, she held the handle of a purple suitcase with unicorns and hearts on it. "Sorry to interrupt, but I brought Melissa's suitcase... Wait...Where is she?" Paula questioned. Brendon and Jason pointed to the bed, revealing a quivering Melissa hiding under the covers. Paula sighed and approached the bed. She then lifted up the cover and asked Melissa if she was alright. Melissa wasn't responsive, concerning the mother. "Can I get you anything?" Paula whispered, prompting Melissa to shake her head. "She's been acting weird ever since we got home, mom." Brendon said, butting in. Her son's statement made Paula even more concerned for his friend. "Well, if you kids need anything. You know where to find me." She said before excusing herself to allow Brendon to resume filming. 

Time passed and Jason had left after supper. Melissa and Brendon were settling into their beds (or in Melissa's case, a sleeping bag). Paula had wished the two goodnight and asked Brendon if he wanted his childhood nightlight kept on. The boy blushed nervously, feeling embarrassed. "Mom, I told you NOT to bring that up!!!" He growled. "...I'll take that as a no." Paula replied before turning the lights off and shutting the door, but leaving it open slightly in case the kids needed to use the bathroom. "Sorry about that, Melissa." Brendon said, still feeling embarrassed. Melissa reassured Brendon that it was alright and she wasn't gonna bother him about it. She thought that her worries would all be over by now, but that nagging feeling still continued. 

This was where things began to worsen for young Melissa Robbins... 

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