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Hermione had never saw the point in quidditch, in her opinion it was just a bunch of people flying on brooms, dodging flying balls and catching a fucking golden gobstopper with wings. One thing was for certain, Quidditch players were always in a need of a healer.

She had opened her own practice specializing in the healing of half-blood children, and those who get muggle born diseases. How did she end up as a Quidditch healer? It's not like she had much of a choice, one of her old classmates who helped manage the team reached out and told her that their previous healer had quit due to unforeseen circumstances, but Hermione had a few guesses as to why. The Wimbourne Wasps are one of the best Quidditch teams, with an undeniably huge fan base, and equally huge egos, as far as the golden girl knew, they were touring in Ireland for the foreseeable future. Which turned out to be false. Yay. Anywho being the good citizen she is, she agreed to dedicate her time to come to their practices and make sure none of them fall off their brooms or smash their heads into a bludger.

Ginny had decided to once again, join Hermione at the Quidditch field to, as she calls it, further her research so she can write about it on the daily prophet. Her research apparently is all revolving around Draco Malfoy and how "He looks a lot different huh? working out everyday does him well" and "do you think the bigger his muscles got the bigger his-"

"Ginevra Weasley" Hermione gasps and slaps her shoulder with a book that she had picked up on her way out of the house.


"You are a married woman! that is- it's just highly inappropriate. i'm telling harry on you"

the red head laughs and twists her body so she's facing Hermione "oh please i'm pretty sure Harry is thinking the same-"

Having enough of this conversation she shuts her books and looks at the men flying around the field and her eyes catch Malfoys flying figure, and coming right towards that flying figure was a Bludger..it wouldn't hit him. He would be smart enough to move out of the way right? right? wrong. Theo had to push him out of the way which caused Draco to get off balance which made him grab onto Theo, which made him also get unbalanced, which therefore caused both of them plummeting down from their brooms. Hermione was looking at the scene with her mouth slightly agape wondering if someone is going to do something. Wait she was the healer, it was probably be a good idea for her to do something.

"Wingardium Leviosa"

The two boys float safely down to the ground as Hermione scrambles over to them. Surely she couldn't be fired on her first day right?

"You fucking idiot! That bludger was coming right towards you" Theo spits out as he stands up, shoving Draco's shoulders.

With a roll of his grey eyes he peers at Theo and grabs his broom "i wasn't going to let it hit me"

"oh so you were just going to let it wine and dine you?"

The two boys snap their heads to see an angered Hermione who after solidifying the fact that she would not be fired, had conjured up two chairs in the middle of the field and pointed at them with her wand.

"sit. both of you."

With a raise of an eyebrow Theo leans back into the fold up chair and crosses his arms with a bemused look on his face. Hermione never really had a problem with Theo, he never really did anything rather than being a deatheater and setting tiny spiders loose in the hufflepuff dormitory then telling them that they were being cursed by the spirit of Dumbledore for smoking in their dormitories, but overall he was pretty decent. He looks different too, his hair had gotten longer to where his curls fall messily atop of his eyebrows, he had gained significant muscle tone, not as much as Draco, but still a lot. Speaking of Draco, he was still standing.

"Draco sit your arse down"


Hormone's eyebrow quirked up and she crosses her arms and looks at him with her head tilted. "No?"

Bloody merlin left saggy ball, when did she start looking like that Draco crosses his arms as his eyes cooly scan her i mean in school she had ratty hair, and a fucking insufferable voice but now..her hair is the perfect amount of wavy and curly, her face is sunkissed and sprinkled with freckles, and her body..god her body. The tight polo that she wears..along with the khaki shorts that are so tight and they squeeze her-


He snaps out of his daydream when he looks down the bridge of his nose to see two fingers snapping in front of his face. She got some sass to her.

"are you going to sit?"

"No. i'm fine granger, i have to go finish moving my stuff to my new flat, so if you'll excuse me-"

Before he could even finish the sentence he is pushed in the chair as Hermione starts her routine diagnostic spells to make sure there was nothing that she could possibly get sued for if she didn't fix. After finishing with Theo, she turns to Draco and takes purposefully longer, which to her amusement makes him very perturbed.

"are you done yet" He huffs out and crosses his arms, his practice T-shirt sticking to his body and his hair sticking on his face- focus Hermione.

"I'm done, i would suggest that maybe next time you see a bludger flying towards you, try not to embrace it"

Draco smirks and grabs his broom, and looks down at the witch and cockily states "only because you asked" before walking away, and with a roll of her eyes Hermione grabs Ginny and takes them back to her flat, hoping that whoever was buying the one next to hers was better than the grumpy hag it had previously.


Ginny could hardly contain her laughter when she saw Hermione's face the moment Draco Malfoy opened the door to the flat that was right next to hers. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Draco comes back out and his eyes slightly widen before his lips curl up and he looks between Hermione and Ginny.





Draco had changed out of his Quidditch uniform and into black trousers and a grey cotton T-shirt that made him look both soft and even more rugged, and just when she thought things couldn't get any worse Pansy Parkinson comes waltzing in with a little blonde haired boy perched on her hip..a boy that strongly resembled Draco. Oh my god was her a dad? Was he and Pansy married..she didn't see a ring on his or her finger. Maybe they didn't want to announce it to everyone-

"I can basically hear the gears in your brain churning Granger, no this child is not mine, i actually prefer being able to wake up without having to worry if my child had ingested some rat poison or something during the night" the girl said, her black bob swaying as she walked up to Draco.

Ginny whispers something to Hermione about how the "sexual tension is basically suffocating her and she has to leave before she collapses" which earns her a scowl and a slap on the arm. After Ginnys departure she looks back to see Draco holding a smaller version of him and walking inside of his flat.

Wow. So Draco was a dad. That's something she never would have expected, and if Pansy wasn't the mom who was? Hermione didn't dwell on it too hard because she had soon realized she was standing in the middle of the hallway by herself, staring into oblivion, and had Mr. Jeinkins staring at her, probably wondering whether she had finally cracked. She quickly slides into her flat and closes the door.

Draco holding a toddler, Draco being a dad should not have this affect on Hermione. They were enemies, they hated eachother.


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