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Living next to Draco was definitely..not eventful. Most of the time Hermione didn't come into contact with him, they would pass each-other occasionally in the hallways, but choose that it would be easier to not acknowledge each-others existence. There was one thing that Hermione absolutely could not ignore no matter how much she tried, and it was how so fucking adorable Scorpius was. She had expected the offspring of Draco to already be burning down houses and dissecting house elves for fun, but as far as she has witnessed (which given, wasn't a lot) he was a perfectly behaved happy two year old. How could a uptight, spoiled, bitch face ferret create something so sweet? But as previously stated, she had never gotten, nor particularly wanted, the chance to actually talk to her blonde headed nemesis.

That was until the mini ferret decided that today of all days would be a good idea to interact with his know-it-all neighbor.

Draco was catching up on some of the teams paperwork, something about one of his beaters beating the other with his broom because he "stole the last of his god damned fruit snacks". Sometimes he wonders how they have gotten this far as a team. He was so caught up in his enthralling task that he didn't even remember that he hadn't closed the front door all the way, he especially didn't notice the little wizard waddling past him and out the door, and not for once did it even occur to him that he had landed in front of Hermione's front door.

knock knock knock.

Hermione was in the middle of the last book in her favorite wizard fiction series when she heard the knock on the door, it was so quiet she had hardly heard it. with a sigh, the witch pushes herself off the couch and pads her way across the span of her living room and opens the door only to see the mini draco staring at her with wide eyes. Well that's not who she was expecting.

"Hey little guy" she starts and kneels down so she is level with his round face "what're you doing here? where's your daddy?"

No response.

"Scorpius" she tries again, but alas nothing. maybe Malfoy stubbornness runs in the family. She was about to try again when the boy holds out his small hand and inside them are two hook shaped electronic devices- what are-


that explains it.

Hermione had seen those when she had lived with her parents, and even some of the kids that came to her clinic were equipped with them. Muggle hearing aides. It had become increasingly common for wizarding folk who were hard of hearing or deaf due to auto immune disease to purchase muggle hearing aids or cochlear implants. Sure you could use magic to fix your hearing but it would be extremely painful and have strenuous and long lasting side affects, not to mention that there was no guarantee that it would actually fix their hearing.

So Scorpius Malfoy was deaf.

Hermione takes the Hearing aides from the boy, and looks down at them with her eyebrows slightly furrowed before looking back up at Scorpius.

"Charge ears" he says simply

The witch nods, finally understanding why the two year old had made the trek to her front door, and when she was about to take him back to his rightful abode, Draco bursts out of his apartment looking as if he had just chased Dobby when he found a sock. As soon as he spots Scorpius he kneels down in front of him and starts moving his hands rapidly at a pace Hermione couldn't keep up with. Wait- it couldn't be- did Draco know sign language.

She watches closely and tilts her head i guess it's not too out of the ordinary for a parent to learn sign language for their deaf child, but the Malfoys are anything but ordinary. Him signing with those veiny hands and his rings- Augh! Awful! Absolutely awful Hermione!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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