Chapter Fourteen: Slight Cracks💔❤️‍🩹

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Amari's POV

I laugh with Ariana as we walk out of a local carnival that we went to on a tour stop, I adjust the big teddy bear I'm holding as Ariana smiles at me adoringly

"You really didn't have to win that for me" Ariana says as she chuckles at me, I've almost dropped this damn thing several times because it's so big

"You kept eyeing for you" I say causing Ariana to blush, I look over briefly and see lots of paparazzi taking pictures causing me to roll my eyes and look back at the black Escalade that were getting into

I throw the bear in the back before helping Ariana in the car and getting in after her along with her security

"That was so fun.....I wish the fun didn't have to end on our next stop" Ariana says sadly and I sigh before grabbing her hand and kissing it, the next stop is my last of the tour which sucks

My manager and pr team have been on my ass because of Ariana and I going out and hanging out which is making me increasingly angry that they wanna try and control me

"So...wanna have a movie night in my room tonight" I ask as I play with her fingers and she plays in my hair with her other hand

"Sure...but I get to pick since you picked last time" She says and I just nod as I feel my phone buzz

I pull it out to see texts from Abel, my management

I sigh and only reply to Abel since he's not chewing me out about spending time with a friend, suddenly I get an text from Cardi causing me to smile

She's asking about that collab she wanna do since my voice fits with hers and Motorsport was such a hit but her fans want us to do a song together

"Who's making you smile like that" I hear Ariana say causing me to look up for a bit

"Oh Abel texted me asking about tour, manager is bitchin again and.....Cardi asked about a collab" I say slowly, I turn to Ari who looks very.....jealous

"Oh....didn't know you two still talked" She says as she leans away from me causing me to frown

"Yea we are....didn't do Motorsport so we wanna a song together" I say casually as I watch her reaction, she's not looking at me but at her phone causing me to roll my eyes

"Mmcht Ariana I know you not mad about this" I say and Ariana looks at me with an angry expression

"I am because how do I know y'all aren't hooking up still" She says and I shake my head

"How do I know your not fuckin Ricky still" I fire back, Ariana rolls her eyes and turns her phone off

"I'm not because I told you I'm not" She replies sassily

"Well I'm not hooking up with her because I said I'm not, so lose the fucking attitude" I say gettin mad and she gives me a look I remember too well

"Make me then" She says and I raise my eyebrow at her as I look her up and down as she looks at me and bites her lip

"Fuck...fuck" Ariana moans as I thrust into her from behind, I gather her hair in my hand before going faster and pulling on the ponytail I made

"Fuck....all that fuckin attitude for what" I groan as I feel Ariana cum around me

"I'm so-sorry daddy" She moans and I lose it after that, I groan as I cum into the condom I'm wearing before laying my head against her back

I breath heavily as I lean up a bit and kiss up her back before getting her her cheek, I turn her head to face me and peck her lips tiredly

"Round 3" I say and Ariana laughs before shaking her head

"Im done...I'm tapping out now" She says and I laugh before pulling out and smacking her ass causing her to jump, I do some aftercare before laying back down with her

I pull her head onto my chest as we drift off to sleep

"I'm yours babygirl....that hasn't changed and won't" I whisper causing Ariana to kiss me passionately before drifting off in my neck and I do the same

The next morning

I sigh as I run my hands through my twists as my Pr and management team scramble, TMZ put out a headline calling me a player and accuse me of being like Abel which isn't great

"This can't be real....we told you to stop going out with Ariana but you just don't listen" My manager yells at me causing me to get up and get in his face

"You not finna keep yellin at me for bullshit that TMZ posts, I've been sayin to denounce everything but you keep sayin to let it blow over, see how that ain't helpin" I yell back at him and push him away from me

"We just wanna help Amari and you hanging out with Ariana isn't going to help your career, they are labeling her a whore and we can't have that connected to you" My manager says and I shake my head as I walk away from him

"I can't even hang out with a female without the media deeming us as together, and thanks your fuck up with me going back to Lana..makin me look stupid in the media didn't make it better" I shout at my team as they look away cowardly

"Amari please...just trust us" My Pr guy says and I shake my head before storming out with my security

We get into the black Escalade swiftly with the paparazzi trailing us and asking dumb ass questions about Lana and I and Ariana

I sigh before pulling out my phone and going straight to Instagram and to the stories option

"Yo what you doin" My lead security guy Alex questions

"I'm ending this bullshit with the rumors...shits causing too much with Ariana and my image" I say before lifting my phone to my face and clicking record

"Guys I just wanna address something...Lana and I been broken up since she cheated on me, I ain't cheat and I never would do that plus Ari and I good friends and we wanna hang out so please chill wit the speculation and disrespect to my girl Ari, she ain't deserve all that with everything goin on...much love to y'all" I say before stoping the recording and posting it

"Yo team ain't gon like that" Alex says and I roll my eyes

"Fuck them, they doin too much" I say before slipping my phone back in my pocket

I ain't finna let these assholes bitch me more than they have already

A/n oop shît, Amari gettin tired of her team and I am too lmao, wonder how Ari gon feel about that post


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