Chapter 7: Day 2 Party Night Part 3

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::Cymphoniques POV::


So at this party there is alcohol and drugs, but I'm not a smoker so I'm not worried. But Ray seems to be enjoying his time here not so wisely. But now he's way past drunk and high at the same damn time! So right now he's looking for some pussy...Which he is not having from me at least.

Ray: Aye shawty you drunk or high?

Me: I'm drunk -lie-

Ray: Come here let me show you something

Me: Hehe okay

Right now we're in the room and he's trying to get me to smoke but I keep denying it. And he's getting really fustrated, but I don't want to do anything stupid so I'm trying to keep my grounds.

Ray: what's wrong baby? You not having fun?

Me: -acting drunk- Yeaaa my fun is about to start

Ray: Then just one puff and I swear you will be relaxed

As stupid as I am I took the offer and next thing you know I'm high as a bitch! Just that fast! Why am I so stupid?As much as I wanna go home right now I don't have the energy. And I'm wanting more and more.

Ray: Let's go to the room

Me: -High as fuck- Ummm OKAY

Ray: Just lay down and relax and you will be alright

Me: -Still high- Ummm OKAY

Then I feel my shirt being lifted and then my bra

Ray: Damn ma I never noticed these! -lie, he talks about them all the time-

Me: Raaaaaaaay!

Now he's biting,sucking,twisting, anything you could think of on my breast and I was trying my hardest not to moan. Then I could feel him tugging at my skirt and underwear line and that's when I started snapping back into reality.

Me: Ray what are you doing?

Ray: Having some fun what's wrong with that bae?

Me: No! I can't do this....UM! I'm sorry but I have to go

Then he pinned me at the wall and started suck on my neck. I couldn't help but feel paralyzed because at that moment

Ray: You like that don't you ma?

Me: Uh, Ray please let me go

Ray: Just  tell me to stop when you want me to

Me: Ray stop please

Ray: Let's just have a little fun please?

Me: Ray,your drunk and high at the same time! Just stop! I'll talk to you tomorrow!

And with that I just left to find Jazmine. Once I found her I she was making out with Jacob so I just sat there, then after about 5 minutes-which felt like 5 hours- they were done. Then I told Jazmine that I was ready to leave and she said okay. So we ended up walking home since she spent the night.

Jazmine: So did he try anything?

Me: well he got me high and he suck my daughters

Jazmine: Anything else?

Me: No but what happened to you and Jacob?

Jazmine: Well, he tried fingering me but I said let's just stick to kissing

Me: -LOLing-

Jazmine: -LOLing along-

::Ray's POV::


Prince: What happen

Me: Prince can you give me 2 more months? SHE'S A FUCKING GOODY GOODY!

Prince: iight, I already know about her... Did you know she's a virgin?

Me: Now I do! I'm mad as hell! But what about you and that girl Jazmine?

Prince: Tried to finger her but she ain't let me!

Me: Well, Roc,Prod any of yall get the coochie?

Roc&Prod: Hell yea

Roc: Her's been tight as a bitch! But I don't know her name

Prod: Too loose but I came in her mouth when she gave me head and she ran away


Let's See What Tomorrow Brings


Well thanks guys for voting! I really like that and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Comment or inbox me your desicions! I really need them! Okay, but antyways thanks for being patient I've been really slacking but I'll get there!

~Hearts And Kissed~


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