What are we (5)

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Chryses smiled as he wiped his hands on the hand towel. "Are you curious?"

Amaryllis' brows shot up. "No. It's just... It's just there's a recently vacant studio unit on our floor... It's fairly close to the university, and it's not that..." costly. She spoke too fast, she doesn't even know if he understood what she said.

Chryses cocked his head to the right as he stared at Amaryllis' flustered appearance.

"I'm just saying as a suggestion, you know. I don't mean anything by it. But if you want, I can totally ask the owner now to let you rent it... Just saying. As an option!" Amaryllis added immediately.

"Oh..." Chryses nodded. "Then, I'll take your suggestion." He didn't seem offended as he smiled, which Amaryllis was thankful for.

"Oh. Right away!" She quickly dialed the owner's number and haggled with him. Someone else was interested in the unit, but Amaryllis insisted that she could vouch for her friend's character. No noise or shady business will be taking place in the apartment as opposed to the previous tenant, who always seemed to have a party every night.

She managed to convince the owner, who was tired of the complaints and just relented to Amaryllis' request.

By afternoon, Chryses was able to see the studio while Amaryllis continuously bit her lips in anxiousness. It was a total downscale from his previous condo unit, and she feared, he'd change his mind.

"I'll take it."

"Okay. Deposit is..." The owner shrugged as he eyed Chryses from head to toe. "Six thousand."

"...Understood. I'll bring the money tomorrow." Chryses nodded. Behind him, Amaryllis's face paled, completely forgetting about the deposit. Although it was lessened significantly because of Amaryllis' pitiful narration of Chryses' current situation, six thousand is still too much, and he got robbed just yesterday!

Amaryllis pulled the owner to a corner with an excuse she couldn't remember.

"Mister Dale, about the deposit... Maybe, you can delay it for a month..? He's really in a tight spot, and although he agreed, I don't think he'll be able to eat properly if he gives you that much amount..."

"Kid, I'm doing him as much favor as I can. Do you want me to lose that much money? There is also a lot of maintenance work, you know."

"B-but... Okay- I'll pay three thousand for now, but please don't tell him!"

Mr. Dale sighed as he looked at the college girl. He could still remember the day she moved in with his aunt, with eyes full of wariness. Now she's able to cling like this because of a 'friend'. Is he that important to her? He seems like a playboy, though.

"Fine. One month. And keep your money. He should pay it by himself." Mister Dale relented to her wishes once again.

"You're the best, Mr. Dale!"

The middle-aged man grunted as he scratched the back of his head before turning to boy's direction. This Chryses guy just screams danger to him.

"I won't be here for a month, three days from now. And I'm still setting up a separate bank account for the tenants' rent, so just pay me soon. I'll contact you. What's your number?"

"Mr. Dale! You can contact me. I'll relay the message to him!" Amaryllis volunteered as soon as the owner finished speaking.

Mr. Dale looked at her in frustration before sighing. "Fine, fine. You can move in whenever. Here's the key."

Now that he has a home to sleep in, Amaryllis felt relieved.

"Thank you for being considerate. I was actually looking for a new place to move into." Chryses uttered beside her.

She nodded.

"If it's not too much of a bother, can I borrow your phone? I need to make a phone call."

"Sure! Let's go back for now." Amaryllis personally suggested seeing how empty the unit looked. Does he even have the money to buy the things he needs? What about clothes? Surely, his parents wouldn't leave him completely naked after they officially disowned him..? She sighed as she retrieved her phone from the dining table before giving it to him.

"Thank you." He said before stepping out. Amaryllis looked at the balcony door he shut and sighed.

He seems... Normal. If he has someone to call, then maybe he has someone to rely on after all. Amaryllis can't help but get worried when he didn't come in after a while. Looking through the window, she could see his tensed back, and the phone was held tightly in his hands.

She strode out into the balcony after carefully opening the pocket door. "Hey...-"

Chryses shifted his head towards her. A solemn expression covering the hard gaze he had just a second ago. He soon smiled and returned her phone.

"It seems my parents found out about you."

Her ears perked up at his words.

"Your parents..?"

"My father is disappointed that I gave up my inheritance for you."

That seems reasonable, Amaryllis thought as she nodded.

"I don't regret anything." He continued staring, and Amaryllis flinched at the darkening expression.

"I have nothing to regret, so don't distance yourself no matter what... Remember our contract."

Amaryllis pursed her lips as she continued to stare at him. The confusion that was momentarily forgotten resurfaced. She'd been reading the contents of the copy of the contract he gave her over and over the past few days. Even then, she still doesn't understand the deep obsession he has with making those terms. "Can I... ask you something?"

He tilted his head.

"What do you really think of me..?"

When he didn't reply, she lowered her eyes before continuing, "I'm a person, Taylor. I'm not a thing you can just own with a snap of your fingers-"

"I can have everything in the world, so why can't I have you?"

She gazed up at him, bewildered. Does he not see the apparent mistake in what he just said? "So what if you can't..? More than anything... Why does it have to be me..? Even if there was something in me that intrigued you, there are all kinds of people in the world you haven't met yet-"

"But it's you I met first." He cut her off sharply. "No matter how hard you try to change my thoughts, it will remain the same, Amaryllis... So much so that even if I have to ruin the world to have you, I will do so with a smile."

"...Why..? That's just obsession..."

He suddenly pulled her close. Close enough that she could hear his heartbeat.

"Amaryllis... Just stay by my side, and everything will be alright..."

The vast afternoon sky that was tinted orange overlapped with his amber eyes, making them appear more golden. Everything was reflected in his orbs, including her still, petrified and defenseless figure.


You shall live forever exalted by the sun.

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