Part 1

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All i can remeber from last night was that i was in a club. A very good looking guy took me to a not-so-well lit room and we started having sex. I can remember his sweaty and muscular body touching mine... As i know i woke up at home, maybe he called my best friend to come pick me up. Since then ive always thought of him, i miss him but not only for that he eas laso very gentle with me. I can't remeber his face very good i can remeber his dark fluffy hair and his green eyes looking at me, his lips touching mine and then going all over my body... I can see the hickeys he gave me. He seemed the type to fuck and then ghost. I searched for him all over social media but didnt find a clue. I went to the club again but didnt find a guy similar looking. I had to sober up before going to school so i went and took a shower. At school i wasn't feeling very good, my legs hurt and i could barely walk, good thing i had my best friend to look out for me. She always cared about me and took care of my depressed ass. We had sports the third class and i stood down and watched other play hntil a boy walked up to me.
"Are you ok?" he asked
I looked at him and wondered if he talked with me or someone else, but there was no one near me so I said:
"Uh yes i am fine, thanks for asking."
I got up and looked in his eyes, he had the same eyes at him. I was confused and asked him:
"Have we met before?"
He looked at me confused and said:
"No, i don't think so." He kept looking at me for a few seconds then smirked and walked away.
I was left flabbergasted. It was so nice of him to ask me that, my heart tickled when he walked away.
I got home and thought of him. My phone buzzed, it was him, his name was Kai. I wondered how he got my Instagram so I called my best friend. Apparently, she gave it to him. I dont know if i should be happy or mad, but i decided to reply to him. We talked for about 30 minutes because he had to go to the gym. I immediately called my besy friend and told her EVERYTHING, I've never felt so happy in my whole entire life.
The next day at school he walked up to me and said hi. I didn't know how to react so when i tried to get out a word it was only a mumble. He looked at me and said:
"What was that?"
I got shy and yelled hi. My classmates looked at me and said:
"You know Cho you didn't had to yell."
"Sorry..." I said ans went to the bathroom.
A few minutes later i heard the bathroom door open and heard a deep voice saying:
"So your name's Cho?"
I recognized that voice, it was Kai, he came after me. He waited for me to be ready to get out of the bathroom stall and looked down at my feet. He came up to me and hugged me. He held mu chin up to his face and smiled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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