□ C h a s e f o r L o v e □

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Request: ❌️

Gender: Gender-Neutral

Current POV: Reader

AU: Reader's in love with Drew and He returns the same feelings but They can't be together so they avoid each other till Drew finally ends it with Zoey after ep 9 and chases after the Reader.

TW: Swearing, bit spicy.

Listen to the song below while reading, I promise you. You won't regret it.

Everyday at school, I would see a magenta haired boy at school with his 3 other friends, A peach haired boy, a Brunette and Lastly a lettuce head. I never knew their names till one day when All 4 of us were in the same biology period. I glanced at him every once in a while everyday till I started to focus on the lesson more till I eventually caught him staring at me during biology.

His name was Drew Williams.

I didn't even realize that I was slowly falling in love with him. His hair, his face, his voice, his features, Just everything about him made me want- No, need him and then One day, the day he was taken from me when I found out He was already taken before I even knew him. He had a girlfriend already,  a peach mixed green haired girl named Zoey. Oh how I wish, I could've been in her position. That didn't stop me from hoping as we eventually got closer to each other, Till Zoey got uncomfortable of how close we were with eachother. She confronted me one day, threatening to start misleading rumours bout me if I don't stop hanging out with him. I stopped after that as much as I loved him, I didn't wanna get bullied and transfer like before. I wanted to Punch Zoey in the face but I had no right to do that when he's not even mine so what's the point of being jealous. We then avoided each other, lost contact but didn't dare to block each other's numbers nor Even make eye contact with each other.

And here I am, in my room scrolling through our old messages. My mom wasn't gonna be home till tommorow, I was thankful it was gonna be Saturday tommorow. I didn't wanna deal with Zoey again, I heard a car heading towards the direction of my house. I jumped out of bed and looked out the window. A grey car in display that was parked outside, I almost tumbled back till I heard knocking at the door. I slipped on my slippers and went downstairs and slowly opened the door.

I thought it was gonna be some random intruder but it turns out it was Drew, never did I expect him to turn up at my door.

"Y/N..." I heard him mumble my name softly, oh how I missed his voice when he called my name.

"D-Drew- I- What are you doing here? It's like 10 in the evening-" I stop mid sentence realizing he's holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers all bonded together.

"I'm sorry for everything, for Zoey's actions, for my actions, for ignoring you and just- all the shit I've done that hurt you..." He scratched his head nervously before I chuckled lightly at him as I took the bouquet and placed it down on the table next to the door.

"Do you wanna come in? I bet you're freezing.." He nodded before stepping inside and taking his shoes off.

I closed the door behind me as I turned around to see him exploring the house a bit. I couldn't help but study his features. He was wearing his signature black emo hoodie except he was wearing Black leggings instead of his light brown pants and wore black-and-white sneakers and to top it all off, His hair being messy and fluffy.

[ 𝑻𝑴𝑭 ] 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now