IHate Carly

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With Freddie and Carly along with my triplets after the video

"I'm really glad we're doing this show again. When we started, we were just kids having fun, but now we can make a real impact. You know, push culture forward."

"Can you help us take this off?" We were both in bunny suits

"Okay mom kneel down." My son asked me which i do and he gently takes it off

"Thanks honey."

"Yeah. There we go. Wow, you're already getting a ton of likes on your bunny makeup tutorial along with Candi and Candace as guest."

"Although I'm glad my nieces help. I'm not doing this for likes. I'm doing this to connect with people. To lift up, to inspire. It's not about me. But what are they saying about me?"

"Fire", "Straight fire", "That's lit", "I love fire", "Burn everything"... wait."

"Are there any that aren't about fire?"

"Yeah, here's one, but you know what? I'm not gonna read it."

"What is it? Just tell me."

"Don't freak out, but it looks like your hater is back."


"Sis There's always gonna be haters that try to tear you down, but you know what I say to them?" I said

"I say, "Mom, I'm doing my best!"

"I can handle the haters. I've had haters since I was 12. But this person is relentless. They make fun of what I wear, what I eat, what I drink. I'm starting to second-guess everything. Do you think my walk is funny?"

"For a bunny or a person?'

"And the worst part is, at the end of all of their comments, they say, "Do better"."


'It's like, "Do better? How about you do better?"

"At least they're not thr*at to break into your bedroom and braid your hair like that other weirdo."

'Yeah, but in all fairness, that hair braiding Instagram is, quite frankly, spectacular."

"Ooh, y'all doing, like, a furry thing?"

"What?" I was confused



"Don't worry, I'm not here to kink-shame your fursonas."

"Eew." Said the triplets

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be on a brunch date?"

"Oh, no, I didn't go. He gave me the ick?"

"What's the ick?"

"The ultimate turn-off. You can be totally into someone, then you see one bad improv show..."

"Or they're way too into theme parks."

"Or fiscal irresponsibility."

"What?" I questioned him

"Listen to us. We sound awful. There's just too much negativity in the world. Which is why I'm going to respond to this iHateCarly57 person with love and light."

"Love and light? I'm more of a block and report guy myself."

"I'm going to embrace them, not physically, but spiritually. Their profile picture's the Space Needle, so they're local. Maybe we'll even meet up."

"Yeah, nice afternoon at the farmers' market, picking out artisanal jam with someone who can't stand you."

"Oh, they already replied. With "Do better". To my olive branch. Oh, I'll do better. I'll lodge that branch so far up..."

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