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Hogwarts, March, 1976.

"Hey! Did you finished the astronomy essay?" Asked Claudia Higgs looking up from her plate, Olivia stopped eating.

"Yes, I did finally," after a moment of silence Claudia added, "Not like you asked, but I'm still working on mine with Mary," Olivia chuckled.

"Oh so it's 'Mary' now?" Claudia giggled.

"I'm not sure, I think she has a thing for Black," said Claudia twisting her mouth to the side and then gasped, "You can find out."

"WHAT!!??" Asked Olivia but just like Claudia didn't noticed she continued.

"Yes. You're friends with him, he's totally telling you," Olivia was shocked, "And then you come to me and tell me if he's got a thing for Mary or something," said Claudia with the biggest smile on her face.

"I can't do that Claudia,"

"Why not?" And almost like Claudia remembered she said, "Oh yeah, he's not talking to you."

"Not only that, he's pretty much not talking to anyone."

"Yeah. Why is that?" Asked Claudia.

"I don't know Claudia," Olivia said exasperated and took a look at the Gryffindor table and saw Sirius eating by himself. Sirius looked up and Olivia smiled at him but Sirius looked at his plate again, "Last time I kind of talk to him he mumbled something about Snape," Olivia took a bite of her toast and then spoke, "I don't know. It was weird. He wasn't making any sense."

"Maybe you should try talking to him, because if his own friends don't talk to him it must be serious," Claudia argued and then laughed at her choice of words which made Olivia laugh in return.

"You're right. I might do it," Olivia wasn't going to let happen to Sirius the same that happened to her. Claudia took a look at Sirius.

"This is the time," said in a hurry, "He's leaving. GO!!" Olivia let out a huff and right when she was standing Olivia grabbed her wrist and pulled her down, "And find out if he has a thing for Mary," Claudia gave Olivia the biggest smile.

                          She walked out of the Great Hall following Sirius very closely. How was she supposed to start that conversation? Hey you've been acting weird lately? And by weird I mean you don't seem yourself. No. Is everything okay? I mean what can make this school year weirder. Olivia kept walking following Sirius.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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