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Hi friends <3 here's part one! I really hope you will enjoy this story and I really hope to hear from you, whether it's you leaving a vote or you leaving a comment, just so I know who's reading this! I'd just appreciate it so so much <3

Again, be careful! This story has made me cry several times already, but I know some of you loooove to torture yourself with sad stories, so this one might be perfect for you.

Thank you for being here and readying this little side project before we get back to my other story very soon again! Love to all of you. Here's my new short story; I Don't Want To Miss A Thing. <3

Word count: 3335


Tyler waved at the boy that lived across from him, through the glass. His bedroom window was perfectly aligned with Joshua's window, and as Tyler sat in his window sill, Joshua sat at his bay window.

These were their favorite places in the home to sit at, 'cause they could see each other, without being physically together.

Not that they couldn't be together; they just didn't spend every day together, because they had things to do. Well, mostly Joshua did.

Tyler, being a high school drop out that lived at home at 24 because he didn't finish his education, couldn't keep a job and definitely couldn't afford a place on his own; loved living across from the boy he loved. He wished he could just move right in with him, but he had kept himself from doing so.

Joshua, being 26 with a degree, a job and following an second online education next to that, had a very successful and busy life. He owned a house, opposite of Tyler's family's home, and lived there on his own. He was continuously doing things; whether it was working, studying, doing chores or loving Tyler; he was always busy doing something.

And while Josh was studying, and working, and loving; Tyler was depressed.

That was the reason why Tyler had kept himself from moving in with Josh. He would be too much of a burden, he'd distract Josh too much, he'd make him sad, and feel not good enough, and he'd worry so much and Tyler couldn't do that to him 'cause Josh was successful, and Tyler was suicidal.

He didn't want to ruin the man he loved. He didn't wanna drag him down with him. Not to mention the financial burden, if he'd move in with Joshua. He'd have to pay for everything that Tyler needed; clothes, food, gas, anything. Tyler would feel too guilty, way too much of a burden; he kept himself from moving in with his lover because he felt like Josh would end up not being able to stand him.

Living across from each other was the next best thing. Josh would study at his desk near the bay window, and Tyler would cuddle up against the glass on the window sill with a blanket and a cup of tea and look at his lover through the glass.

He could spend hours like that; just watching him. He loved seeing Josh busy. He loved seeing him be wonderful. He loved seeing him productive, successful, succeeding at life.

He could hardly bring himself to shower, though. Or eat. Or clean his room. He could hardly even get out of bed. The only reason why he did, was so he could either watch Josh from his window, or actually go to his house and spend time with him, which he did twice or sometimes three times a week.

Josh blew him a kiss, and Tyler pretended to catch it before he returned it. Josh made a heart with his hands, the brightest, most gorgeous, blinding smile on his face. Tyler smiled too; softly, lazily, just for a short few moments. He made a heart with his hands as well, Josh waved at him again, and he turned back to his laptop.

Tyler sighed softly as he let his head fall against the window, followed by a soft thump as he did so. Oh, how he wished he was more like his boyfriend. More capable of doing things, not trapped in his own body so much, not feeling like life wasn't worth living and he was in constant pain and he wished he could just be happy and be motivated and fix his life.

I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (a short Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now