Chapter 1:✨Stars Shining Bright Above You✨

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(1630 words)

Elizabeth's POV~
"Finally, peace and quite", I said. I was laying in an open meadow covered with soft grass and beautiful flowers. I was laying there for sometime with my eyes shut until I felt it grew dark. Thinking it was the clouds covering the sun I opened my eyes to realize I'm not in the meadow anymore. I was in some sort of open hall that would have been pitch black if it weren't for the torch on a stand a few meters away from me. I walked to the torch and pick it up so I can see my surroundings. "Where the hell am I", I said as I walked forward in the dark hallway.

I kept walking until reached a dead end. With the torch I brought it closer to the wall and saw intricate symbols on the walls surrounding me. "These are hieroglyphics", I mumbled to myself. " I'm in Egypt?", "No that's not possible", I exclaimed to myself. "Anything is possible Elizabeth", a deep voice rang out but no one near me. "Hello!", I shouted. "Who are you?", I shouted again but no answer. "Show yourself I'm not afraid ". The deep voice chuckled and made a nervous shiver run down my spine, "You might not be afraid now but you soon will be my dearest Elizabeth", the deep voice responded. "Who are you? How do you know my name?", I shouted now absolutely freaking out. But before I could hear a response the flame from the torch extinguished leaving me in the complete dark. " Elizabeth you need to get out here now!", yelled the mystery voice. " How!", I shouted now really freaking out as to think of what's going to happen to me. "Your in danger, summon the suit.", the voice ranged out. "Summon the suit?!?", I yelled out but no answer. "What suit? Summon what suit?!?, I yelled again with no answer. "Hello?!? I shouted. "Lizzie", I heard faintly. "Please I just want to go home!", I pleaded until the faint voice says again, "Lizzie". "Please someone! Anyone!", I fell to my knees and started sobbing. "Please.", I cried out. Then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and as in cue I felt myself lift up from the ground and realized I was not in the Egyptian hallway alone but in my 7th class of the day in school. It was all just a horrible dream....

"Oh shit", I mumbled to myself meekly as my teacher Ms. Maximoff was still right next to me with her hand still on my shoulder. "Are you okay Lizzie? You seemed to have a bad nightmare, do you want to talk about it in private?", she asked softly. "No thank you, I'm fine", I said even though I'm not fine still feeling the weight of that dream. She nodded at me and got the whole classes attention who thank god wasn't paying any mind to my sudden nightmare. "Okay class before you leave remember to collect a permission slip for the field trip to the National Art Gallery in London a month from now! I don't want you guys to miss out on this fun experience you can have with you peers!", Ms. Maximoff said brightly. I smiled widely because I love the National Art Gallery. Even though I haven't been there in a year it still is one of my favorite places to be at. And as on cue the final bell rang, signaling everyone that it's time to go home. Ms Maximoff handed out the permission slips to the class and as they were leaving she shouted, "Please get these signed by your parents or guardian and have them to me by Friday after class or you cannot go!", she sighed as the long day took a toll on her as did myself. I took a flyer from her and she smiled brightly, "I hope your planning on coming to the field trip Lizzie!", Ms. Maximoff said. "Oh I wouldn't miss it for the world! With all of the history in that museum how could I?", I said excitedly. She smiled and said, "Better run off home, before it gets too late. I don't want your parents worrying about you." I chuckled dryly, "Yeah I don't want to give them another excuse to ground me. See you tomorrow Ms. Maximoff!", I said. "See you tomorrow Lizzie", Ms Maximoff said as I left her classroom trying to make it to the bus.

✨time skip brought to you by fruit loops✨

It was around 5:30 when I got home from school. Normally I'd be home by 4:50 but I missed the bus and due to the traffic it took the bus longer than needed to get me home. When I walked into the door I was greeted by my dog Luna. "Hi LuLu! Have you been a good dog?" I said and she barks happily before running off to find one of her toys. I go to the kitchen to see my mom cooking pasta for dinner. "Hi mum how was your day?", I said hoping she wasn't to mad at me for getting home late. "Well it was going great until I get a call from your history teacher that you've been sleeping in class again! And on top of that, you get home 40 minutes later than usual what is going on with you?!?", she yells at me. "Im sorry it won't happen again.", I said meekly. "Your damn right it won't happen again now get showered before dinner is ready, dad will be home soon.", she said. I sighed better to obey her a marched upstairs with Luna tailing behind me. I went into my room with Luna, and I sat on the foot of the bed while she climbed on top right next to me and rested her head on my lap while I stroked her head. "I can't wait to graduate LuLu, and me and you can get away from this shit fest of a household what do you say hm?" I say to her while thinking how my life would be a lot better away from my parents. "But we're still here and will be for another 4 months so until then we just have to go with the flow I guess.", I say to Luna who preoccupied with licking her tail now. I smile at her and go into the bathroom to take a shower, hoping the conversation at dinner wont be a trainwreck.

—✨Time skip because I'm a lazy being✨—

Well I can just say dinner was an absolute train wreck because my mum had to bring up I fell asleep in class to my dad. "She's always doing this John I don't know what to do with her!", she exclaimed at him while I'm playing with my spaghetti that has now got even more unappetizing the more this conversation went on. "Well ground her don't let her do anything over the weekend, simple as that!", he said with a mouthful of spaghetti. I laughed inwardly because that punishment doesn't really do anything. I don't have any friends or do any clubs it's just me, myself, and I during the weekends, and they unfortunately know that. " That punishment never works John! We've tried a million times that and we keep on getting to square one!", she said loudly. "Well then what now Mary? What can we possibly do to punish her to give her a wake up call?", he said. "Wait. Her history teacher sent an email about some sort of field trip to the National Art Gallery in about a month or so from now, asking parents to sign the form by Friday." She said look at him. I stopped playing with my food and looked up at them praying they weren't going to do what I think they were going to do. "We'll then that's her punishment she won't go to the trip." He said. "NO!", I cried out. "Please let me go to this trip! I really want to go! Mum please!", I begged. "No, your behavior got the best of you now your going to pay the price for it. Your not going on this field trip understand?" She said sternly. "But mum dad I have the highest score in my class for history! Ask Ms. Maximoff! Please just let me go", I pleaded with them. "For gods sake Elizabeth, NO, you are not going, Jesus why can't you be like your older siblings that actually listen and do good in their lives instead of fucking around like you! I'm done with this conversation you are not going period!", he shouted. Tears formed in my eyes as I stormed out of the dining room and into my room and slammed the door. I put in my AirPods and played Dream A Little Dream Of Me by Doris Day, to block off the sound of parents shouting. I cried in my pillow as Luna came next to me and layed down. "Oh LuLu all I want to someone who can understand me just someone who I can talk to without being judged, laughed at, or yelled by like I'm just nothing.", I cried. I'm not a religious person nor ever thought I will be but this time prayed. "God please just please send me someone, anyone who will listen to me I'm begging you!" I said out loud and let the music fade while I cry myself to sleep.

A/N- I hope you liked the first chapter of the story! I'm sorry if my updates are inconsistent because school is a beyatch😂. But please comment and see how I did or if I need to change anything! Until then happy trails💨

The Girl and the God of the Night Skyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن