✨Chapter 2✨

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Elizabeth's POV~

The next morning

  I woke up not only depressed but with a killer headache. I looked at my clock and it was 7:00am I don't have to be in school for another 2 hours.

"Ughhhh", i try to go back to sleep but I just couldn't so I just got out of bed and got some clean clothes and went to go take a shower.

✨time skip brought to you by Cheerios✨

Even after my shower I still feel gross. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and gave myself a once over and thought good enough and went to go find some breakfast. As I'm walking I'm greeted by Luna who is wagging her tail excitedly. "Good morning beautiful are ready for a better day because I sure am." I got her food bowl and filled it up with her kibble and gave it to her, and right as I sat the bowl down on the ground she was munching away. I chuckled while I get some bread and put it in the toaster. I get some butter and get slather it on the heated bread and started eating. By the time I start eating Luna is already done with her breakfast. "Finished already Lulu?" She looks up at me with her eyes while I eat my toast. "You know what I wish for Lulu? I wish you could talk to me because I always rant to you about my life, now I just want to hear your life in your perspective." I look down and she's chasing her own tail. "You silly girl let's go on a walk before I have to go back to hell." She wags her tail while a grab her leash.

✨Time skip brought to you by Cinnabon✨

I make it on the bus to school thank god. While in there I'm already thinking about just ditching and going home, but I know damn well I'll be killed if I do that so I just have to suck it up.

The bus makes it to the school at around 8:50 so that gives me about 30 minutes before first period which is AP Calculus so I just go to my locker and get everything that I need for the first half of my day so I don't have to bother going in between classes. I get the stuff I need for the first half of the day and then I start to walk to AP Calc. While walking I hear a couple of idiots talking about me behind my back. "Look there's the Egyptian nerd, one of them said."While the other guy does the cleopatra dance. They both start laughing their asses off while I just ignored them. "They're idiots nothing to associate myself with, I think to myself."

I made it into my Calc. class and there were a few students in there either retaking a test or just getting help with homework. I put my backpack next to my desk and walk to my teacher Mr. Beckett. He looks up from his computer and smiles at me. "Good morning Elizabeth, how's your morning?", I think to myself do I really want to tell him about the night before. Mr. Beckett is one of those teachers who is surprisingly kind, and sometimes I even rant to him about my life, however the conversation with my parents from the night before is still lingering. "It's been fine just ready to tackle the day", it was not necessarily a lie but not the total truth either but I really didn't want to talk about it because if I did I know I would bawl my eyes out. "That's good Elizabeth, he said", "Are we taking more notes today, I said with a slight annoyance to my voice" "unfortunately that's how it goes in math but think about this it's almost the weekend", "true", he goes back to his computer and I take out my binder then the bell rings starting the day of another hellish day at school. "Please make this day go fast, I think to myself."

✨time skip brought to you by Taylor Swift✨

The day went by slowly but thankfully easily. Best part not a lot of homework which I smile to myself. Then comes the last period which im dreading about the most. History. I love the class but after the fiasco of last night I didn't even want to step inside the room let alone be near it. But if I did skip the period my parents would find out and give me hell about it so I just sucked it up and went inside and took my usual seat in front of the board. When the bell rings Ms. Maximoff waits a few more seconds to let anymore kids come inside the room then she walks in herself. "Good afternoon class! I know it's the end of the day but I know you guys can push through it!" Now get your textbooks from the back of the room and turn to page 368."

The 45 minutes class felt like 3 weeks as we read the textbook. But I wasn't even reading it I was just staring at the page not even bothering to turn the page. Finally the bell rang signaling the end of the day and everyone scattered from their seats and made it to the door not even bothering to put away the textbooks. I felt bad for my teacher so I helped her put away the textbooks. "You didn't have to help me Lizzy you can go home you must've had a long day." "It's fine I wanted to help". "What did you think of the reading today, bet you enjoyed it because of Egypt huh." She looked at me with a smile and I gave her a slight nod and smile knowing I didn't read a single page. "Speaking of do you have the permission slip for the field trip that's in a month!" I looked at her with tears in my eyes that were threatening to spill I shake my head in a silent no. She immediately frowned and sat me down, "why not you love the museum you told you used to go everyday or something" "because when I fell asleep in class yesterday my parents are punishing me by taking away the field trip", I said with tears strolling down my face. Ms. Maximoff winced immediately knowing about the phone call she had with her mom the previous day, she never had though they would take the field trip away. "Lizzy I am so sorry, I didn't want to make the phone call, I really didn't but due to the school's policy I have to call parents whenever a student falls asleep. I can email them trying to persuade them if you'd like?", she said trying to be hopeful but to no use. "It's fine don't worry about it", I said and to make matters worse I look at the clock and I'm late for the bus... Crap I say to myself. "I have to go I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Maximoff", then I ran out the doors without hearing her response.

✨time skip brought to you by who knows :)✨

I make it the the bus station but to my luck the bus wasn't even there. I missed it the second time this week. I debated whether or not I should wait but if I didn't get home soon there will be hell to pay for me so I decided to walk.

I walked for about about 15 minutes when I saw the museum in my eyesight. I pass it everyday to get home so when I saw it my eyes started watering again. I looked at my clock and it was 5:25, I'm really going to get killed. I start jogging trying to get home faster. I put on my AirPods and play music making me feel better but also making me jog faster to get home. However what I don't see or hear is a car driving erratically on the road on my left and then the car crashes into another car and then at full speed is coming directly at me. I remember hearing a horn blaring and I turned and I was greeted with two bright lights and then before I can even react everything goes black....

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating this book, I didn't have motivation to write this even on my summer. I hope this makes up for it and trust me it gets better. Hopefully y'all enjoyed the chapter and I'll try to get out another as soon as possible :))))

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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