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It all feels like a dream to me,
I don't know where to go; I'm lost in it,
Want to escape, but it's hard to leave,
No matter how hard I try; I just can't get free,

I'm falling, and keep falling,
I don't look to be stopped...

Then why they try to show?
As if, they don't really know;
That nobody really cares for me; I know,
They still fake it; as if, I'll not know,

Hard to love, and I wish to be more ugly,
I don't believe in love; want no one to love me,

Whatever I do,
I do it for myself,
Don't care about opinions,
For your opinions can't do my help,
I'm enough rude to accept it,
Upon calling selfish,
Than to work for somebody else,
I'd rather choose to sell fish,

My life is what I want,
Can't let it; be what you say,
I'm aware of my part,
You don't need to tell me how to play,

Everyone's a hypocrite,
For thinking it'll shape my life,
The same things that left their ruined,
How come those advices will make my life?

Their jealousy is making them blind,
They prevent you from getting big,
Be a fool; finding their talks kind,
Then blame yourself for all the bads,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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