Raging Dark

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I stopped short. I knew that someone was watching me, but i didn't bother turning around. My friends had long left, and only i remained. In a few seconds after i had stopped, i felt a cold  hand on my shoulder. I knew who's hand it was. He was tall, and dark. He had been seen with other girls before, and they always seemed to dissapear after they had been with him. 

"Hey, who are you?" He asked in a very quiet tone. I decided to say nothing. I could hear footsteps behind the both of us.

"Oh, come on, Zayn. Stop praying on innocent girls." His accent was different from my holder, more, irish in the tone.

"I'm not. I'm, just..." he stopped there, and released my shoulder. I stumbled forward, only to be caught by what seemed to be another member of his clique.

"Don't worry, he can't hurt you. He's a wimp, anyway." i could see i small smirk spread across his pink lips. After he had said that, my holder had come up and slapped the guy who caught me accross the face.

"I can, and will, hurt you." I could see the anger in his eyes. I stood up again, and turned to leave.

"Don't be a bitch, Zayn... no girl likes that." the irish one snorted.  I started walking towards the door of the building.

"I'm not, FYI. So why don't you shut your mouth before i shove your head up your ass." I winced at this remark, as did the blonde boy. 'Zayn..." The curly one spoke. "Don't you "ZAYN" me! Don't tell me to be calm when you piss me off and then laugh! I'm not afraid to punch you right in the face and make you bleed!" I opened my lips to say something, but closed them in fear of being abused. Zayn stood up and walked over to me. "let's go." he pulled me out of my chair and dragged me towards to door.

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