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In the morning, Zayn woke me up for breakfast. Liam had made us all French Toast and Hash Browns. I was surprized at how good of a cook he was. 

After breakfast, we turned on the TV to watch the news. The reporter beamed someone missing. 

"18 year old Claire Topky was reported missing after being seen at a local club last night with a man about 20 and wasn't seen since." 

I saw Zayn freeze. "I guess you could say i'm a kiddnapper, then." He looked at me. "It's not kiddnapping if you are okay with it, right?" He coked his head. "I'm okay with this." He handed my his cell phone. "You should probably call someone, then, right?" He smiled. "Yeah..." i was reluctant too, though. My parents would probably make me come home.

As i dialed the number, and my mother picked it up.

"Hey, mum. It's Claire."


"I was with... friends."

"Which friends?" 

"Would you like to talk to him?"


I handed my phone to Zayn, and told him to expect the worst from my mum.

"Mrs. Topky? Hello, I'm Zayn Malik."

"Who are you, and what are you doing with my daughter?"

"Well, we're just friends. It got late, so i invited her to spend the night at my place." 

"Well, tell her to call me next time, then."

"Ok, i will. Thank you for understanding. Goodbye."

He hung up the phone and turned to me. "Next time, remeber to call your mum." I nodded my head. "Do you want to go somewhere? all six of us should go out for lunch." Good thing i had packed and extra outfit. I was planning on staying with my girlfriends, but they had left without me.

I changed into my black t-shirt and skinny jeans. I pulled my varsity jacket on and slid on my shoes. "oh, so you don't always wear dresses?I like that." Zayn gave me a wink. "Let's go." Harry said, pulling his car keys out of his back pocket. "We might need to take two cars, Lou, do you want to drive some of the gang?"Harry looked over to a brown-haired boy with a striped shirt on. "Ok, i'll do that. Who should i take?" He looked over to me and Zayn. "I can take you two?" He turned his head and faced Harry. "You go ahead, Hazz." 

Something Deeper Than DarknessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant