Party Girl!

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Today, I was invited to my first party at this new place. I was invited to Will's party he invited the whole football and lax and baseball team both boys and girls. I wonder what people think of Will, I mean he cares about everyone. I live him and I hope he loves me too.
"what time is ur party at bro?!" Texted Joey Laudner
"It's @ 7:00 till what ever time you want. My partners said we can bring beer and all that as long as we don't get caught." Texted Will
"Will I don't drink can I bring like soda and I'll try some beer I guess?" I texted
"Yeah babe, as long as u have fun😘" texted Will
"Love u😘💕😍" I texted
"Love u 2😘" texted will
I sat in my room wondering what I should wear. I took out this beautiful crop-top which was white with a gold necklace that reads: "Little wonders are big dreamers", my sister gave it to me a day before she had died. It was in a little heart shaped writing. And I wore a Red-Velvet skirt that goes from my waist to just above my knees. With brown flip-flops. Which had a braid in the front. I was proud of my outfit and I think that Will, is going to love it. I had straighten my hair and put a small braid in the side. Everyone was texting everyone. This is going to be an awesome night! And I know it! I'll probably bring my truth or dare for teens and people above 18+ cards. I played those with my best friends Maggie and Paige last year with my whole family. We would stay up late climbing trees and the neighborhood would come over eat some marshmallows and have a grand old time! Me and Derik, my EX boyfriend. All of the kids would do things we wouldn't normally be able to do. And before you ask not that type! Yuckaroo!
"I'm here in front of ur house can I come in?" Texted Will.
"U can come in." I texted waiting nervously on my bed, hoping that he will like my outfit.
"Oh my you look beautiful!" Said Will as he gave me a kiss. "Thank you!" I said, "Cmon lets get some decorations! My parents gave me $300 to buy stuff. Like drinks food and decor." He said. We got into the car and headed to Party City. We got a whole bunch of shot glasses and funny face hats but we said that we're going to do a costume party so we got machine out fits. I was a cop, and Will got another one too. he had a full suit. And I pick out my outfit, which had a very tiny skirt and top. We looked adorable. I hope he likes it. I do.

Party's don't always end sweetlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora