The small town

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As I sit down on the sofa my parents tell me that we are moving and that where not just moving somewhere else in the city, but to a small town. As they tell me this I'm thinking what about all my friends and what will happen to me when I leave .

My mum knelt down in front of me and said "Its all going to be okay honey".

Then she drops a bomb shell and says "We're moving not next week but tomorrow".

That's the moment my life changed for ever .

We finished packing and we went in the car to are next destination. As we arrived I noticed that there was nothing like the city I was freaking out about how was I going to survive this place .

As we arrived at the front of the new house my dad turned around and asked "Do you like it honey?"

I replied "Yes it's amazing!"

We went inside and started unpacking, the house was so cosy it was like a cottage but a modern day version. We only finished unpacking at about 3.00pm but at least I had some time to go around the village and meet new people .

A  short romance storyWhere stories live. Discover now