↳ broken boy, anti-hero

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They say you want everything
You can’t have and that you don't
Realize what you've got until
It's gone. 

You were forged from iron hands,
Dragged up from the ashes of fallen
Empires and I,
Just a girl who can't escape the prison
That is my reality,
Waiting for something to come along
That molds me into what I believe
I should be.
It's the aching hearts and the
Breathless moments that
Make our lives worth
Living as without them there
Would be no calm and no
Happiness at all,
And here I am, waiting for it,
Not-so-patiently in the safety of my
World and wondering why
I'm not the good,
The pretty,
The perfect that I need to be. 

Because this is me—
Ghost girl, riddles and stories, but
Never any substance because
Every life I pass through dies before
I get the chance to make my imprint
On the world,
Talking talking talking always about
Nothing at all
Just smart enough to be worth
Something and just crazy enough
To be dangerous,
Giving my heart to a nothingness
I know will never come. 

And you—
Broken boy, razor-sharp tongue,
A little jagged around the edges
But I think that if I held the pieces
Of you up together then maybe you
Could be fixed
Because when you look in the mirror
You see a monster but I only see
A painting of one 

Bleeding boy, young killer,
Son of the damned
I'm supposed to want the pretty ones
With shining eyes and pure hearts,
The brave ones who stand on moral
High ground fighting for justice,
But there is bravery in rising from
The rubble and surviving
And there is justice in every
Teeth-baring, stubborn glare.
Because even though you're
Gasping breaths and bloody knuckles
And dark hair
There is a light in you, brighter
Than mine, brighter than theirs, and
No one seems to see it but me. 

It doesn’t matter what
The world sees—
You, the anti-hero
And me, the goody-two-shoes
Because most of the world is
Too stupid to notice when they've got
Something flipped upside down 

I'm not good enough to be
The protagonist
And you're not evil enough to be
The villain, 

But I want you anyway. 

I want you. There's
Nothing I can do about it. 

God, if only you were real.

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

I hope someone likes this one 'cause it's my new favorite.

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