2. Black Out

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Nolan's POV:

I've been drinking for a few minutes before our food came. About time. There were not many people here, but enough to crowd tables.

"What do you think our next banter should be about? We're running out of ideas."

Karl's next to me, drunk, but not so much. He's not drunk to the point he's out of his concious mind, but just enough for his words to be slurry. He's slumped in his chair, looking at me.

"I don't know. Sapnap and George might want to jump on some trending stuff. Maybe someone who's currently the talk right now?"

I slump back as well to see face to face. His face is now flushed pink, but everything else on his face seemed sober. Usually when he's blanking out drunk, his eyes'd be half closed.

"Yeah you're right. I don't think we're going to do the podcast any soon. With Twitch-con and all, I think we'd need a break."

I laugh softly.

"Right. Wouldn't want to give them more content to drool over."

He laughs almost in a deeper monotone then he usually does, and sighs. I'm still looking at his face, admiring his feutures.

"Are they going to stay here, when Twitchcons over?"

I ask, suddenly intrested if Sapnap and George, particularly Sapnap, was going to be around.

"Probably, yeah. But I don't think so. Dream's got so much to do ever since he face revealed."

I nod. A big possibilty he'll be going back with Dream.

"We've got a lot on our plate too. Still on to go to Japan?"

He laughs softly.

"Yeah, and that Valentine YouTube video we have to film with Jim, it's going to be an exhausting few months."

My head turns from him, looking at the ceiling, chandelier.

"What do you think he mean by that? Like... what kind of video does he want us to participate in, the Valentine?"

I look at him again and he shrugs.

"I hope he's not going to tell us we're going to pair with fans. I'd rather anything but that."

I laugh, a bit loudly.

"Of course not. I don't think he's going to force us to do that. Maybe we'll have to... pick a valentine among the crew, I don't know."

I say the last bit faster. I sit up straight and hope he doesn't find it strange. He doesn't seem to find anything weird. I leaned over to see his food too. His meal looks good. Better than mine.

"Yours looks good."

Karl said. I raised an eyebrow. Jinx.

"I was thinking the same thing of yours. Wanna share?"

He nods huridly, smiling. My smile grew. We switched plates and I digged in. I groan in satisfaction.

"Oh my god, this is literally so delicious. You're so good at choosing things."

He smiles and me and scoops up some of the food on his (my) plate and stopped halfway from my mouth for me to open.

"Yours is better. You made a mistake on switching."

He said. He raised an eyebrow, grinning with his teeth.

Sapnap's POV:

I'm drunk. Dream kept telling me to drink, drink, drink. And to black out my mind from thinking about it, blocking my thoughts, I freely drank as much as I could until I felt slightly dizzy. Slightly became more. It's not like I'm paying for it. It didn't work. It didn't stop my train of thoughts.

Infact, it was louder than before.

I'm slumped in my chair, definitely not sober, looking across my seat. Karl and Nolan. Their names keep appearing in my mind all over even when I'm drunk it's annoying. I watch them closely while holding a glass of vodka in my hand. Nolan laughs at him about a joke Karl whispered to him.

I took a sip. Feeding each other multiple food, like Nolan isn't capable of himself. Another sip. Nolan making these eyes at Karl that makes me sick to my stomach. Another sip. It makes my skin heat up in jealousy. I cough.


He turns to me. Punz touches my arm.

"Are you drunk? You're burning up."

He says again. He touches my forehead. I can't answer. My mouth feels numb. Karl looks at me. He looks concerned, but only slightly.

"Mh... s'you... Karl..."

The last thing I saw was Karl getting up from his seat. Right then on there, I blacked out.

I flicker my eyes open, but my head felt like someone was banging it all over again. I groan softly in pain and I heard a voice. His voice.

"You drank a lot. I was beginning to think you were a drunkyard."

Karl's voice came from above me. I managed to open my eyes, and I see him. Towering above me. My head was on his lap as his arm rested on my chest. I couldn't see who's driving.


I call out. Just to make sure.

"I'm here."

He says. I have no idea why I craved or that answer. For him to just be here. With me.

"Is he still hot to the touch?"

The driver asked. And I knew his voice. It was Nolan.

"Yeah, he's still warmer than usual. We should stop by at my house. Get a few things. You're pretty drunk too so both of you should stay at mine and sober up before you hit the road again"

He says non-chalantly. Nolan agrees and made a turn.


Was all I managed to spit out. Karl seemed to understand.

"You were passed out drunk, Sapnap. Why were you drinking so much tonight?"

He sounds angry-concerned.

"M'sorry. My jetlag was getting worse so I thought getting drunk would make it less painful."

I lie. His fingers carefully runs through my hair, being precise not to touch my head. His gesture makes me blush. His little touches, almost on my cheek, my forehead.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you like that. You flew here from London, that's a long way and I should've been more considerate of your health."

He finally rests his hand on my cheek, a little bit on my jaw. I struggle to speak. He looks so beautiful. His hands feel so soft. I was getting dizzy, but not from a hangover.

"N-no... I should've told you..."

Was the last thing I said before I see Nolan's eyes peering from the mirror, and I drifted to sleep under Karl's hand on me.

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