3. Morning

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I'm awaken by Karl's whispering that tickles my ear.


I slowly blink and open my eyes. I look at my surrounding in the moving car. Nolan was parking.

"We're here."

Karl said finally. I nod slowly. I put on my hat, and sat up. Immediately, I'm hit with pangs in my head. I lean on the seat, pulling my hat to cover my eyes.

"Finally hitting you hard, huh?"

Karl said beside me. With a hint of smile in his tone. I lift uo my hat and the car stopped as Nolan parked in his parking lot. I peeked over my hat to look at Karl.

"Thanks. For bringing me here."

He shook his head.

"Don't thank me. My house is always open for friends."

He smiles. And I felt myself smiling, but I stopped myself. This felt too intimate. Even with Nolan infront.

"We'd better go."

Nolan finally said. Karl nodded and opened the door. I opened mine, and closed it shut after getting out of his car. We went on his porch, and he finds his key to unlock his house. He fumbles with the keys a little. He's probably still drunk.

I feel bad now. He had to take care of me while being drunk on his own. Suddenly, Nolan grabbed his hand to take the keys. I clench my jaw. Was that so necessary? He unlocks it almost immediately. We come in and I give in that smell.

His house smells of fresh air, tint of Karl's cologne, and candles. It's clean and organized. I put my jacket on the coat holder and took off my shoes to place beside it. Karl doesn't care if we wear shoes in the house, but I prefer not to. I plop myself on the couch, my head spinning.

Karl and Nolan went to the kitchen, I was too  fucked in the head to care. Karl handed me a glass of water while he had another in his hand. He sat next to me, sipping the water. I thank him and he shook his head. Nolan shouted from the kitchen, enough for me and Karl to hear.

"Do you guys want anything from in here?"

He asks. Karl looks at me for any indication, but I shook my head.

"No thanks!"

He replied. It was silent for a few moments. I was glad to have some private time with Karl. We were a bit close to each other, but I'd prefer it if he or I close the remaining gap. I try to muster courage, but I couldn't. I'm trying desparately to get closer, but my body won't cooperate.

My phone dings. I take it from my pocket to see notifications from Dream.

D: Hey, are you okay?! I just heard you got completely drunk bro. Thing is... me and George, we were somewhere private. I'm really sorry I wasn't there when you got drunk. I know I pushed you to drink. Thing is... me and George, we were somewhere private. Where are you now??

Me: No worries. I needed those. Kind of glad I passed out. I didn't notice you and George missing to be honest. I guess I was... distracted. I'm at Karl's.

D: Ah. That's why you're glad you passed out, huh? Having fun getting nursed by Karl?

I scoffed. But I smile at that.

Me: What about it?


Stopped. Dream stopped typing for a second, before he sent a message.

D: See you at TwitchCon.

I put my phone down. I see Karl and Nolan talking. Karl is slumped on the couch on his side, looking melted in place. Nolan is sitting up straight, talking enthusiastically to him. I growled quietly. I clear my throat.

"Uh... it's late. We should all get sleep."

Nolan glanced at me, then back at Karl. He nods.

"I'll take the couch."

As you should be.

"Yeah... I'll go to my- the guest room. Karl you coming?"

He perks up to the sound of his name, and faced me looking like he was about to fall asleep.

"Yeah... yeah."

Nolan raised his eyebrows up slightly in confusion. But he says nothing. Karl gets up all wobbly and follows me to the guest room.

"Um... you need anything else?"

I shook my head.

"You should go to your room and get sleep."

He nods his head looking lost in thought.

"Okay. Goodnight Sapnap."

My face softens. I literally sobered up seeing his face in the dimly room.

"Goodnight Karl."

I was the first to turn around and went into my bedroom. Had I not, I would probably never had the strength to look away. I didn't trust myself. I took off my hat, my necklace and my watch and placed it on the bedside table. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

The aircond was on, so when I came out of the bathroom, my face was cold and I felt fresh enough to go to sleep. I got under the covers and sighed as I took a whif out of the clean sheets.

The next day after I woke up, I'm awaken by distinct laughter. I stretch and laid as I adjusted my eyes on my surroundings. I got up, went to the bathroom immediately and freshen myself up. I dress myself and got ready for the day as I see Karl standing against a wall smiling at Nolan who was struggling to cook pieces of bacon.

So this is the source of the laughter.

Karl notices me and smiled brightly.

"Good morning Sap. Did you wake up alright this morning? I woke up with a buzzing headache. Thankfully Nolan got me a glass of honey infused water quickly. You want some?"

Of course he had to be the saviour again. I shake my head.

"I woke up fine. Nolan, weren't you drunk yesterday?"

I directed my question to him. He glanced at me quickly, trying to avoid the bacon from falling from the pan.

"I uh-"

He says struggling to keep his words and focus.

"I didn't get drunk yesterday."

He says finally, sighing in relief seeing that the bacon looked fine. So it was his idea is it, to drive drunken Karl home? Maybe I shouldn't think so lowly of him. But everyone got drunk in the party. Apparently except him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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