Hair dye Kiyojiro Rengoku x reader {modern AU}

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Y/n-your name
F/c-favourite colour
3rd P.O.V:
It was a calm evening after school, you were sitting cross-legged in front of Kiyojiro debating on which colour to dye your hair.

"I still can't decide!" You whined as you sighed and tossed the boxes to the side as you flopped backwards onto the floor, your hands ran through your hair as you stared up at the bland ceiling. "May I suggest a colour?" Kiyojiro said, looking at you. "Uhh sure," you said as you sat back up and slightly leaned in to look at the different options, Rengoku picked up the plastic bag that contained all the dye and sifted through all the colours. Once he had found a colour he thought would suit you he put the bag down and handed you the box.

You looked at the label and saw that it was F/c dye. You hesitated at first but then you pictured your hair that colour and turned to Kiyojiro with a smile, "this is perfect kio, thank you!" You said, your smile beaming. Rengoku smiled back and replied, "I'm glad you think it's a good colour, I personally think it would look amazing on you." He picked up a box of red dye and looked at you, "would you like me to help you with applying the dye?" He asked, "If that's ok, yeah. I don't want to end up dying my skin accidentally... again..." you said, trailing off at the last part remembering the embarrassing moment. Kiyojiro helped you up and started to get things prepared.

When everything was set up you sat on the counter in the bathroom next to the sink, Rengoku draped an old towel around your shoulders then put on some disposable gloves. "Am I still dying your hair after you do mine?" You asked as you braced yourself for the cold hair mix to be put on your hair, "If you could that would be great." He said "I still can't quite reach the back of my head to evenly dye it, so it would be very helpful if you could." He added, you smiled and nodded then froze when you realised you had messed up the parting that Kiyojiro had started doing to your hair, you apologised and sat still as he re-parted your hair and clipped it up into sections.

As Rengoku added the dye in you couldn't help but admire how cute his face was when he was concentrating, his eyes were focused of your hair and his lips were slightly curved upwards with his tongue poking out. Rengoku ran his fingers through your hair mixing the dye in, the warmth from his hands made the cold sting from the dye melt away, making you relax. Then when he was done he tied your hair up and started to clean up and prepare for his hair to be dyed. "Thank you kiyo," you said as you got off the counter and started to put on your gloves, "Anytime" he replied as he took his hair down and sat in the same place you had sat. "So just the ends of your hair, right?" You said turning to him. Kiyojiro laughed upon seeing you which made you tilt your head to the side slightly, "what?" You asked as you looked in the mirror next to him on the wall, but when you saw nothing wrong you glanced at him. "Come here, you've put your glove on weird." He said as he took your hand and fixed your glove, you could feel your face turn a deep shade of red, not only from the fact that you had put your glove on wrong but also that Rengoku was holding your hand. "Oh thanks, guess I didn't see that." You said and awkwardly chuckled, trying not to feel to embarrassed. "And to answer your question, yes only the ends of my hair. Like how I had it before." He said, you nodded and started to part his hair and pin it back.

After the two of you had set timers for your hair you both sat on your bed scrolling through social media and occasionally laughing at something the other one had found, the room had gone into a comfortable silence until the sound of your stomach interrupted it. You winced at how loud your stomach had been before you turned to Kiyojiro and spoke, "Are you getting hungry? I know I am." You said, Kiyojiro nodded so you ordered food for the both of you and waited for it to arrive. As you were waiting one of the timers went off signaling that it was time for you to wash your hair dye out, realising that it was for you, you got up and went to go wash the dye out. When you walked back into the room you saw that the food had arrived. "I thought I'd set up the food while you washed your hair," Rengoku said smiling, you sat down and started to get your food out. "You should probably wash your hair before eating," you said which made Rengoku pout slightly. "But the food looks so good, I don't think I can wait for my hair to be washed out to eat it!" He said. You laughed and gave him a small nudge before you motioned for him to go wash his hair, "come on kiyo, the sooner you get your hair washed the sooner you can eat. It's not like your foods going to grow legs and run away." You said playfully, Kiyojiro sighed and got up to go wash his hair out. When he got back the two of you sat on your bed and started eating, "you know, I really like the way your hair turned out. That colour suits you!" Rengoku said, your face turned a light shade of pink as you took another bite of your food. "Thank you" you said, "your hair looks good as well!" You added. Kiyojiro smiled and thanked you as he ate his food. After you had both finished eating you put on a movie and cuddled up on the couch together.


{Word count: 1089}
Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any requests please comment them and I'd be happy to see what I can do! That's all for now and I'll try to update this book twice every week but I can't confirm that for sure.

-X3lA :p

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