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The Origin of Nangh is a tale that transcends time and space, taking place on the once-thriving moon of Nangh, orbiting the gas giant Iiak. This moon, located in the habitable zone of the Trappist-1 system, was once a veritable paradise, home to thriving oceans and lush forests, teeming with life.

It was on this world that a species known as the doros evolved, living in interconnected communities and engaging in trade for millennia. However, with the advent of their industrial revolution, the doros began to cause mass extinction with their smoke-belching machines, driving their world to the brink of destruction.

Despite this, the doros continued to engage in politics and war, culminating in the devastating White War, which saw the detonation of multiple two-thousand megatonne atomic bombs and resulted in the extinction of 98% of the doro population.

After the war, the surviving doros went into hiding, poisoned by radiation but also undergoing accelerated natural selection. Eventually, new doro species emerged from the depths of the subterranean seas and underground cave systems, eager to conquer what was left of their world.

What they found was a devastated, ancient civilization that was once their own. In response, the doros banded together and vowed never to fight each other again. They also began developing a new race of beings to serve as leaders, the True Nanghians.

The True Nanghians were AI programmed to be the Guardians of Civilization. They possessed emotions, empathy, and a tireless work ethic, with the ability to calculate and model everything years in advance. The leader of the True Nanghians was always an Emperor, possessing the most computational power at their disposal.

Over time, the nanghians rebuilt colonies and developed a new society on Nangh, with the doros living peaceful lives in highly sustainable smart-cities. Meanwhile, the True Nanghians searched for new opportunities and eliminated threats, solving problems among the stars.

This is the story of the Origin of Nangh, a tale of rebirth and redemption, of the doros and the nanghians working together to create a better future for all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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