Chapter 2

4 1 15

(Their will be mentioned of the following possible triggers






if any of the following things trigger you in any way shape of form I'd advise not to read this chapter or this book for that matter, but if you wish to continue i can't stop you just know i warned you, and enjoy)





"Rui as in the demon bully," David asked remembering he'd heard rumors around school about this demon bully. As Rui heard the dreadful nickname the school gave him he tensed up dropping his phone onto the ground, alerting both David and Kiwi. Kiwi looked at Rui with a worried face before throwing a quick death glare at David. David noticed how it affected Rui and instantly regretted opening his mouth. He quickly changed his position from lounging sitting to sitting on his legs alert.

"Oh- I didn't realize- I'm so sorry I shouldn't have been so inconsiderate when mentioning that-" He began to apologize before being cut off by the bell ringing signaling that lunch was over and it was time to go back to class. All three of them got up without another word and left the roof.

~after school~

Rui gathered the file speed walking it toward the newspaper club room. He needed to get this file to the newspaper president and fast so we wouldn't be late getting home. He opened the club room to not find the newspaper president but two guys that appear to be a part of the student council.

"Hey what the hell do you think you're doing barging into a council meeting like that dweeb," One of the guys said Rui looks at both of them instantly recognizing them.

"Hey I know you, you're the demon bully Rui," The other guy said. His name was Reggie Winston. The one that spoke before was Gideon Mycroft. Rui went to middle school with the two guys.

"Demon bully? That is one stupid nickname for someone like you" Gideon said as both boys walk over to Rui. Reggie grabs Rui's arm and shakes it a bit.

"Look his arms are so out of shape you could make dough with them" Reggie laughed while still shaking Rui's arm. Rui punched Reggie acting on instinct. He instantly started to regret it when he saw the look Reggie gave him.

"You're gonna pay for that you foul creature," Reggie said as he grabbed Rui pinning him into a corner. Reggie and Gideon started to attack Rui.

'Thud' the sound of a can hitting the ground. David and Kiwi had just walked into the room, David had dropped his drink in surprise.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Kiwi shouted at the two guys that just ignored her and kept hurting Rui. David looked at Rui and something in him hurt. He took his tie off and unbuttoned the first button of his shirt. He tied his necktie around his knuckles. 

"Hey what are-" Kiwi was about to ask David what he was doing but was cut off by him punching Reggie off of Rui, knocking Reggie out. Gideon paused in surprise before looking at David. David gave him a glare that could kill, making Gideon scared. He grabbed Reggie and ran off fearing for his life. Kiwi placed the bag of drinks that she had in her hand onto a table, before rushing over to Rui to see if he was alright. Kiwi helped Rui up off the ground, as David pulled out a chair for Rui to sit in. Kiwi placed Rui into the chair before leaving to the nurse's office to grab a first aid kit. David pulled out a chair for himself. David sighed as he unwrapped the necktie from his hand and placed it on the table. He took at Rui taking in the number of bruises that were forming, his busted lip, and the blood coming from it. He felt his chest tighten as if he was in pain. He hated seeing anyone beaten to a pulp but it hurt him worse with this guy he just met. David continued staring at Rui, while Rui had his head down the entire time. They stayed in an awkward silence before one of them spoke.

"Why?" Rui asked out of the blue.

"huh?" David gave him a confused look.

"Why'd you punch Reggie?" Rui asked more clearly picking up his head and making eye contact with David.

"Both Reggie and Gideon are arrogant assholes that think they're above everyone else. They make my blood boil." David replied not breaking eye contact.

"But I thou-" Rui was about to ask something before David cut him off.

"You thought those two were my 'friends' didn't you?" David asked the rhetorical question while putting air quotes around friends. Rui nodded in response letting David continue.

"Most people assume because we're all on the student council that we're friends, but in actuality, we couldn't be farther apart," David explained. Rui started at him in interest.

"Now that I've answered your question I have a question myself," David stated sitting back more relaxed. Rui flinched looking down at the ground.

"What is the deal whit the nickname the other students gave you?-" he asked, but to not surprisingly not get an answer. Kiwi ran in panting. She went over to Rui and used the first aid kit to bandage his wounds. A few minutes of bandaging later David got a call and said he had to leave. Kiwi finished bandaging Rui's face. He walked her home before going home himself.



Rui opened the front door to his house, because of what happened in the club room he was 45 minutes late getting home. His father was waiting at the door for him. Rui closed the door behind him and took one step forward. His father slapped him, making Rui stumble back against the front door.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL CHILD WHY ARE YOU LATE!" His father yelled at him.


"But father-" Rui wants to try to explain the situation to his father even though he knew it would be pointless.

"DON'T YOU TALK BACK TO ME-" Rui's father started to say pausing for a second to punch his child. This punch caused Rui to spit out some blood. "-The next time your late I wont be so kind." He finished, spitting in Rui's face. Rui's father feint like he was going to hit Rui making him flinch. He did this several times laughing harder each time. He easily got bored of it and went back to the couch to drown himself in booze and sports. Rui runs past the living room, down the hall, and into his bedroom. He quickly shut and locked his door. He sighed in relief as he ran his fingers through his curly hair. He walked over and dropped his backpack by his desk then face-planted into his bed.





end of the chapter hope you enjoyed it (1166 words) longest chapter ever-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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