Chapter Sixteen

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**I am posting this as I finish packing for my vacation so I apolgize if ther are any mistakes I didn't catch I'll edit if I need to later**

James held his son so tight he was afraid it would bruise, but at the moment he didn't care. It felt like his arms were the only thing keeping his son up, keeping his son from breaking for a man who didn't deserve that power over him. With Harry's anger gone, the picture frames and the few glassware they had in the cupboards had stopped shaking.

The magic that had suffocated the room has disappeared too, not that they thought Harry had even known his magic had been so out of control or that the small stone necklace around his neck had emitted a glow indicating it was trying to dampen the uncontrollable power coming from the emotional powerful teen.

James hasn't meant to push Harry this far. He didn't even know why he pushed so hard. It was just Charlie was clearly going through something and despite him saying it had nothing to do with Harry, it definitely did have something to do with Harry. It felt like his entire family was spiraling and pulling apart from each other and he couldn't stop it. He figured if he could get Harry to try with Lily then everything would be fixed. James didn't always think his plans through and now he might have ruined his relationship with his son because of it.

It took some maneuvering and a feather-light charm, but James was soon carrying his son to his bedroom at the end of the hall and laying them in it.

"I'm sorry." James whispered to his crying son.


Remus had snuck away from the arguing duo and had closed the bedroom door behind him seeing Sirius was frowning at the door, obviously having heard the shout.

"Was that Harry?"

"Ignore it."

"Ignore it?"

"Yes." Sirius stared at him as he squashed himself into a sitting position, "Sirius trust me. The last thing we want to do is be in there when this thing blows up."

"Shouldn't we stop it from blowing up?" Sirius asked

"We can't cross that line. This is a dad and son fight not a James and Harry one. Trust me we do not want to get in the middle of this one." Sirius hesitated, but nodded, reaching the mug in Remus' hands.

"It's mine." Remus warned him knowing Sirius didn't like the way he made his own tea, but he handed it over anyway watching his husband take a sip and make a face.

"Gross." Sirius said before taking another sip and setting it on the bedside table, " What started the fight?"

"James pushed Harry about Lily and Matteo."

"Why would he do that?"

"Charlie is acting strange and I don't know. I think James unintentionally is...blaming Harry though not outright. It's nothing, don't worry about it, it'll blow over I'm sure." Just as Remus said that the air shifted, even in their room they could feel the uncontrollable magical power. But as quick as it came, it disappeared again.

"Was that Harry?" Sirius asked

"Give them a moment." Remus said, raising his hand as if to stop Sirius, "I'm sure he's okay."

"Okay?! Remus that was not okay! That was-"

"Remember what Harry said? His magical core isn't stable, losing control of one's magic with an unstable core is perfectly normal. Give them a moment. Remember we have to know when to get in the middle of them and when not to, this is a do not disturb moment. We'll check on them later."

REWRITTEN! The Truth UntoldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang