Chapter 1: "You Will Return Jack..."

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All I remember is his laughter taunting me then everything went black.

I awoke in a dark room. No windows, One Door. I tried to move but realized my hands had been chained above my head. I look around again and notice I'm on a bed with black silk sheets. The room was too dark to see anything else. But my heart trembled when I saw Pitch before me at the foot of the bed. He stood there as though he had been watching me the whole time I was unconcious. It was somewhat frightening.
"Pitch where am i?" I said as I struggled with the chains.
"Where's my staff?!" I couldn't see it anywhere.
He chuckled, "Jack... it's right here." He held it in his hand.
"LET ME GO AND GIVE IT BACK!" He sat it down at the foot of the bed. "No."
"Why am I here!" I yelled again as he begin to walk to the side of the bed. I watch him as he sits down next to me.
"because you are." I look at him.
"WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT!!!" He grabs my face and pulls me close to his.
"It's the only one you're going to get." He flings me back. "Now," He looks at me with a grin on his face.
"Shall we get started." My eyes widen to what is about to take place.


"Oh Jack... I told you to give into your fears and now look at you," He gently Kissed my neck while holding me from behind. Softly rubbing my chest.
"Please... Don't..." I could feel it getting warmer below.
The Chains he had me in didn't help. I tried so hard to not give in to him. I in his lap, struggling to get out of the bonds. Then Suddenly, With out warning He reached his hands down my pants and my entire body cringed with shock. "Where are you..." I look down but then close my eyes. I knew exactly where.

"Now Jack, we've only just started and you're already being shy." I open my eyes, his chin in the crook of my neck. He smiled as his hand went under my hoody. It sent a huge chill through my body.

He begins to move around to the front of me. He pulls down my pants and under wear. I close my legs. "Now Jack... Let's not play games. Your body clearly speaks louder than that mouth of yours."
He gets in my face and kisses me. His tongue thrusts into my mouth as he pulls my body closer. I moan, his tongue was so soft, so warm It made my body melt. He released and touched my face gently with the back of his hand down my cheek. "There's a good boy." He smiles and I blush. My entire body and mind are confused.

He began to rub my outer thigh then with out warning he spread my legs apart. I tried to close them but he was too strong. "Pitch! No! That's!" He put it in his mouth and my body tingled. I heard him moan as he licked it with his tongue. I was breathing heavy, He smirked.

I look down at him, "Why are you looking at me like that..." He grins as he began to stroke it. "aaah," He again licks the tip while I try to fight it, I've become so hot. I feel sick. Then another suprise, I felt Pitch's finger tracing around below.
"No! DONT!" I yelled as he inserted his finger deep inside.
"It's okay to be afraid Jack... You'll feel this pleasure before you know it." He kissed me as I felt it moving in me. One hand below the other tenderly touching my face. For some odd reason it started to feel good and less painful. I wanted him to hold me but as I reached for him my chains shook. He releases and looks at me.

"If I let you go, I know you'll run. But You will return, Jack." I look at him. I didn't want to run. I wanted to be touched. Ever part of me was screaming. Everything was burning and for the first time I felt as though I wasn't cold anymore. I lean in and kiss him gently, I release and look into his golden eyes, "Please... Hold me." I press my forehead on to his, panting lightly. He seemed suprised by this. He pulled me close and kissed my lips as he unlocked the chains. I rub my wrist and throw myself upon him. Landing on top of him, I close my eyes, cup his face and begin to kiss him. I never had done this before. It felt so wrong but at the same time it felt good and satisfying. Our lips seemed to melt together. He rubbed my butt and started to stroke it again as we kissed. I felt so strange. He began to move his hand faster. My Entire body began to prepare for something. I was worried.
"AAAHHH!" I Gasped and moaned as something left my body. I look below to see what it was. I was panting as I looked and there It was a glistening blue~ish white color. It was all over Pitch's hand. It was cold and wet.
"What is this?" I look up at him.
"It's called semen." I look at it intently. He lets out a laugh. I look at him and he pulls me over him.
"You really don't know what it is?" I shake my head and blush from the embarassment.

"You have alot to learn, Jack." He smiled as he layed me back onto the satin pillows. He touched and kissed my waist. Then slid my hoodie off and then began to take off his black robe. His Chest was a violet pale color. I touched it with my hand and as I did pitch was over me. He kissed me deeply, letting his tongue have no boundries inside my mouth. I began to have that warm feeling again.
"Is this your first time, Jack?" He kissed my neck as his hand began to wonder down my waist.
"...yes..." I whispered softly. He nibbled my thigh with his hand now on the outer portion of it. I let out a soft moan.
"Well then... I guess I'll have to prepare you for what's next. Get on your hands and knees, Jack." Not even thinking, I do as he commands and as soon as I do I feel his hands. Then I felt something wet and warm. It tickled my butt hole and then started to tease it.
"Pitch... aah... What..." It stopped for a second.
"Do you like my tongue, Jack?" My eyes widen as I feel him continue. It was so good, I lay my head on the bed while my butt was still in the air. I moan as the feeling of his warm tongue violated me. I then felt him put his finger back inside. I let out a little whimper as it pushes in. Then my entire body sends a shock throughout as I feel him touch something inside.
"Pitch..." He stopped for a moment, "Yes, Jack?"
I let out a breath, "There..." He pushed it again. I moaned. My hips began to move in the motion of his finger. It felt so good. "Are you ready, Jack?" I look down under my body to see what he was talking about. Then something bigger than his finger pushed inside me. My head fligs back and I let out a loud moan. "aaaH!"
I could feel it slowly penitrating my body, each second it filled me up more and more.
"Pitch, what is..." He grabbed my thing.
"It's this Jack, I have one too." I moaned as he finally stops pushing.
"Now whaAT?!" He begins to thrust gently but the sudden movement hurt.
"Did it hurt Jack?" He chuckles
I smirk, "No..." But my face told a different story. He continued to push and each time hitting that spot I couldn't take it.
"Pitch... I'm goin.." He turned me over onto my back and kissed me.
"aaah! Pitch!" He grabbed my thing, "Hold on, Jack. Not Yet."
I bite my lip, "Pitch, I..." He kisses me again as he trusts faster. I dig my toes into the bed. Pitch holding onto one of my legs, lets go of my thing and I moan. It felt so unreal. I couldn't take it. We both moan and I felt a huge burst of pleasure as I felt the same wet stuff squirt inside me. We're panting. Pitch lays down on the bed beside me.
"How was it?" I turn to lay on his chest. What was this feeling? It wasn't fear or hate. It wasn't pity or sypathy. Was it...


I woke up in the snow. Was it all a dream? I sit up and notice I was near the north pole. I got up and my back hurt. I shook it off and flew towards the north pole.

"You will return Jack..."

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