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So after everything with Jamie Jack grew weary he didn't know what to do he sighed silently... after a couple of days Jack decided to go back to the hospital but Jamie wasn't there so he went to his house. Jack climbed up to Jamie's window and tap softly Jamie open the window. What are you doing here Jack I just want to forget about what happened I can't do that if you're here. I'm sorry Jamie I didn't mean for that to happen pitch had control of me the whole time. I just didn't know what to do I tried to get away from him but keeps pulling me back in Jamie I love you and I'm sorry for what happened it'll never happen again I promise. Promise to do what check how do you think I can forget you tormenting me pounding into me like there was nothing like I was just a piece of me how do you expect me to forgive you for that. Look Jamie I don't expect you to forgive me Jamie I love you and I'm sorry for what happened. Well I don't know what you want me to do jack period and I'm not going to sit here and let you in my house so go away. But Jamie I really care about you and I'm sorry for what happened...
Look I don't know what to do either. I know is that you mean the world to me and I'm sorry for what happened it won't happen again I have sure you. Jack I don't believe you how I miss you. Jack I can't deal with you anymore I just want you to go away I never want to see you again if you ever come back I'm not open this window do you understand me I've been hurt I've been raped I don't want to do anything why can't you understand that I don't understand why you keep coming around here everytime you come around here just makes me want to K you don't want to be with you more of you understand no you don't understand you can understand cuz you're stupid I'm sorry I just leave please and Reno did take care of me I'm like you you don't know how to take care of anybody. Jamie I... Please don't do this you don't understand I have no control over my body pitch was in control the whole time he forced me to do this axe on you I had no idea he was going to do that I didn't take you there he kidnapped us remember he showed up and said if we didn't go with him he kill you as not to let that happen I've been taking care of you I'm taking care of you since you were eight. Jack just leave. I'm tired of talking to you I don't understand what you want from me I'm not going to give you anything else and you if you try to write me again I'm going to call the cops please just leave me alone I don't ever want to talk to you again I'm sick and tired of all these things going on between us I couldn't believe what you did and I don't believe what you did and I just wanted to go away the only way for that to go aways if you leave me alone and never see me again do you understand. I don't understand why you did it I don't care why you did it all I know is that you did it and I don't want you to ever see me again please understand that this is hard for me to even fathom I can't I can't even. Jack this is hard for me I don't want you to leave but I have to make you late because if I don't make you late now you're always going to come back just go be with tutus loves you I know she does she's told me she wants to be with her and leave me alone. But Jamie you don't understand I do understand we have been around this thing before remember when I told you when I was a little kid that I believed in you and I still believe in you don't get me wrong I really do but you don't understand that I've gone through something so shocking so traumatizing that I can't even deal with it anymore I'm hurt Jack I really am and I don't want to do this anymore I can't stand looking at you cuz everytime I look at you I want to kiss you than kiss me. I cant...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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