Starting The Case

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I truly can't believe the nerve of this guy. I can take this case all on my own. How did a little sly fox like him even get on this police force. I storm into Chief Bogo office to sort this out immediately.
"Chief Bogo, I need to have a talk with you!" I say hopping in the seat in front of him.

"Officer L/N, what seems to be the issue?"

"Sir. It's Officer Wilde. I can't work with him. We're just not a good fit together. So I think you should assign him to a new case and let me take this one! Chief you know that I'm more than capable of finding him and you know-"

"Y/N. Look, the longer you sit in here complaining to me about Wilde, the longer that man is out there missing. My decision for this is final. Please close the door on your way out." He went back to reading his book like I wasn't even there. I can't believe this!

I storm into the break room and see Nick, speak of the devil. I storm over to him. "Look, I don't want to work with you just as much as you don't want to work with me, but you're just going to have to swallow your pride until we crack this and after that we can just never speak again. Deal?"
He looks into my eyes and puts down his sunglasses. He walks to the door when he says, "You coming or not?"
Here we go I guess. I scurry over to him and walk with him to his own police car. He's hasn't even been here that long and he has his own police car before me? Guess Chief Bogo has favorites. We start driving around and I break the silence, "According to his case file, he was last seen at his apartment on 5th street so we should start there."
"Blah Blah Blah. You know, you really know how to take the fun out of things Y/N. I read his file too okay? I know where to go." We drove around for a little longer when we made a sudden stop. 

"Nick are you serious?! This is no time to stop for donuts, there is a missing pers-"

"Oh my god! Pipe down kill joy. Stopping for a light snack never hurt anyone. Besides, you can't expect me to find someone on a empty stomach do you?" Wow the nerve of this guy.

I reluctantly walk in with him and of course the guy behind the counter know who he is, as if he's a common customer. "Nick my boy! How the heck are ya?" 

"Jimmy! You know I have been just great. Just the usual for today." he says setting down some money. Ugh. I roll my eyes and go to grab a coffee. 

"Aye Nick, who's that little friend of yours? She ya girlfriend?"

"Jimmy, I'd rather chew off my own tail. I mean she's pretty and all but she can be a real pain." 

"Well if I were you Nick, I'd hop on that train immediately especially before someone else does. Mhm Mhm." I walk back over ready to leave. "Okay Nick you got your donuts, can we go now?" I say

"What's the rush little lady? Someone on the loose?" The weird guy behind the counter says

"Yes actually, we have someone we're looking for so if you don't mind we really should be going..."

"What's their name?" he askes. This guy will not quit. "Bucky Or. You heard of him?" Nick chimes in. 

"Yeah! I know that guy, comes in here with his brother sometimes." he says 

"Well, can you tell us any information on him?" I ask, pulling out my note pad. "When was the last time you've seen him?"

"Well I remember him and his brother got in a fight awhile back so he asked to chill in the back for a while to cool off and whatnot. Then he said he got an important phone call and rushed out a here, I didn't see him for a while after that." 

"Wow thank you sir that sure does help!" I finish up my notes and head back to the car.

"What was that again? About this being a bad idea?" Nick says with that dumb smirk of his.

"Whatever. You got lucky, that's all. Give me a donut." I say reaching out my hand

"Oh you didn't actually expect me to get you something did you? I only got something for myself since you were so against the idea. But at least if you starve to death I can get this done quicker so, have fun with that." 

UGH. That rude and vile fox makes me want to rip off all my fur! He's lucky I don't have my fox repellent! Besides that cocky attitude of his, he was actually kind of helpful in bringing me here. Even if it was just dumb luck. We might really be able to solve this case but it's definitely going to take some time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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