Blue Movie

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It was some kind of cruel trick, Bucky decided. Some kind of karmic punishment. He closed his eyes and buried his face into your hair so he wouldn't look at the TV screen. He couldn't, no matter how tempting it was.

He didn't understand how they got away with putting this stuff in movies nowadays— movies that were meant to be watched with other people, in public. Sure, Bucky had heard of blue movies, had heard the other soldiers talk about the seedy little theaters in the rough side of town that showed them during the war. But it took a certain kind of person to go seek those out. This movie was just... here. Available. Casual.

And yeah, he knew it was the twenty-first century now. He'd been on the internet; he had a smartphone, for fuck's sake. When he first set it up, Sam gave him what he called his "beginner's guide to the internet"— a list of some social media and streaming apps (so he could get "caught up with the times"), online shopping (so he could "stop dressing like a confused grandpa"), and, cheekily added to the end of the list, a link to a porn site.

Bucky had opened the link out of sheer curiosity, but when the video he chose started with a close-up shot and a performative, exaggerated moan, he closed out of the tab immediately. His eyes were wide as he carefully placed the phone face-down on the table. If that was what sex was like in modern times, no wonder he wanted no part of it.

Of course, back then his wires were still crossed. He still thought Hydra had gotten rid of that part of him during their experiments, the part that felt desire, that longed for physical touch. So of course that video wasn't arousing back then. It was just overwhelming.

But now...

Another moan from the actress on the TV screen— too loud, too high pitched. You didn't sound like that. It was fake, pretend— but his dick throbbed in his sweatpants just the same.

Bucky tried to be inconspicuous about it as he rearranged. Tried to shift backwards, away from you, so you wouldn't feel how he had popped a fucking boner as soon as the sex scene began. But the narrow couch didn't have much extra room when he was spooning you like he was, and his back met the cushion before he was far enough away from you. He sighed and grit his teeth.

He should've been prepared; this happened the other night, too, on your birthday. When he cuddled with you in the theater room while you watched that other movie. And you snickered then, because you knew— you felt him stiffen against you while the actors kissed, felt him throb when they had slow, tame, mostly off-screen sex.

The movie you chose tonight was different. The first thirty minutes or so seemed fine— the typical fantasy genre that you both liked. But then the two main characters were alone, and it seemed like Bucky blinked and suddenly the actress had taken off her top— he cleared his throat softly.

Heat surged through his abdomen, his hips, as the actors stripped out of their clothes and fell to the bed. Unlike the last movie, this one showed almost everything— a peaked nipple caught between lips, the way the man's ass flexed when he climbed on top of the woman. Without even thinking about it, Bucky's first instinct was to rut against you, but no— he caught himself and stilled before you noticed. That would be indecent, it was wrong, and he stuffed that urge back down to wherever it came from. That was when he hid his face in your hair, thinking it would be easier to resist if at least he didn't look at the screen.

But it only got worse from there; soon the living room was filled with moans, slick sounds, and sighs of pleasure. Bucky couldn't even escape by closing his eyes, and he felt that familiar static take over his brain.

Maybe he could go jump in the shower and rub one out really quick. Fuck, no, that wouldn't work— he'd probably need to come twice before his dick settled down enough to allow him to think coherently again, and that would take too long. He couldn't. And it would be too suspicious anyways, him suddenly needing to shower at night even though he already showered that morning. He clenched his jaw. He had to wait.

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