one, one ; radio silence

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"it's been nothing since max died, radio silence."


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The Watchtower had always been a quiet place, with the occasional flapping of birds wings breaking the peaceful environment. Aside from being the central hub for both the Justice League and the Team, it served as a multipurpose place of solitude for everyone to either catch up on their on lives or to simply relax. Alex always thought that it was funny, really, that the one corner of normalcy that they shared was on a floating rock in space thousands of miles away from actual civilization.

It was also the only other place that Alex was allowed to visit outside of the penthouse, but it was only due to the community service (or alternative to spending life in maximum security prison Belle Reve, as Tim explained it to her) that had been installed upon her courtesy to Batman. Her servitude consisted of working alongside the Team, playing missions coordinator and then documenting and filing every single mission that they had gone on. Documentation was the worst part of it all solely for the reason that Batman demanded that the notes be extremely detailed, whether it be which direction a villain looked at a certain point during the mission, or if the color of their costume had been any different from the last time they had been spotted. To Alex, this was just extra punishment for her crimes.

And so, that is what Alex finds herself doing now. She sits in the garden of the Watchtower, documenting the Teams last mission that they went on a couple of days ago.

Alex's attention is pulled away from the pile of documents in front of her and toward the four mourning doves that emerge from a large oak tree, cooing as they race each other to settle into the neighboring tree not too far away. The leaves rustle softly as the doves nestle comfortably in each others company until they break off of the branch and fall slowly on the neatly cut grass beneath them. For a moment, watching the last leaf flitter around in the air until it hits the ground relaxes Alex for a bit. She breathes in deeply and shuts her eyes, welcoming the silence that follows the final settlement of the doves.

After a few minutes, Alex opens her eyes and lets out an exhausted breath. As much as she wanted to call it a night, she had to have this mission report submitted to Miss Martian no later than 11:59pm tonight, and with only an hour left to complete her work Alex had no time to think about a break. A yawn escapes her lips and she blinks rapidly to fight off sleep, stretching her limbs out in the process. As Alex brings her arms down from above her, she hits the play button on the holographic mini screen pulled up in front of her displaying the recording of the Teams previous mission, picking up from where she last left off.

She watches the screen intently, brown eyes focused on the combat between an Alpha squad consisting of Static Shock, Impulse, Wonder Girl, and Robin versus Bane. Their mission was to subdue and capture the convict, as the supervillain had gone under Batman's radar for months after having had escaped Arkham Asylum four months prior and then suddenly appearing a week ago to help a currently unknown partner transport some currently unknown products. While Alpha squad did manage to bring down Bane, whatever product that Bane had been in charge of transporting was nowhere near the scene of the crime, which meant extra work would have to be put in to find out what and where the material was.

: gangstas paradise, tim drake ↪ oneWhere stories live. Discover now