🍁 Eleven : Memory of the Past

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She had lost a lot of blood.

Amidst her dizziness, a cacophony of sounds assaulted her senses.

Beads of sweat mingled with the chill that permeated her skin.

She struggled to draw breath, her body wracked with exhaustion.

The harsh glare of the light nearly blinded her.

In the midst of this surreal experience, she endured a pain unlike any other.

Genevieve fought to suppress her screams during labor, aware of the potential harm to both herself and her baby. Yet, the agony threatened to overwhelm her.

The obstetrician, nurses, and Vincent hovered nearby, attempting to soothe her frayed nerves. 

But Genevieve found herself unable to cope. It was her first time, and the pain was unbearable.

She longed to convey to Vincent that she couldn't endure any longer. The torment was too much to bear.

Vincent struggled to contain his tears, his love for his wife and unborn child consuming him.

After nine months of anticipation, they couldn't bear the thought of leaving the hospital empty-handed, consumed by regret and sorrow.

Then, finally, the obstetrician lifted the newborn into the world.

Genevieve and Vincent watched with bated breath, their faces contorted with pain and anticipation. They awaited the sound of their baby's cries, her first breath. But silence greeted them.

They waited.

And waited.

Their hearts sank as they gazed down at the motionless form of their child.

The expression on their faces betrayed their despair, as they grappled with the devastating news.

It was a crushing blow, delivered with unfathomable cruelty. Yet, they had no choice but to accept their fate.

Genevieve felt as though her world was crumbling, yet she remained her strength faltering.

Vincent, unable to hold back his tears any longer, reached for his wife's trembling hand, offering what little comfort he could.

Perhaps it wasn't meant to be. Perhaps another time, they whispered to themselves, clinging to a thread of hope amidst the darkness.

Genevieve's cries echoed through the room, a poignant lament for the life that slipped away from her grasp.

It was too late now. There was no turning back. And all that remained was the bitter taste of regret and sorrow, like ashes in their mouths.

Her eyes closed, calming her down while tears soaked her pillow.

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