The lonely owl's back story

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Light wing is a owl who grew up in a rich family. He got to learn many things but his actual name is Qleki Rarc and light wing is his stage name. His mother would be with him all the time and he had a strong son and mother relationship between them but his father would never be home and he would always be at work and he still gives the butler and maids things to do around the house. One day Qleki's mother had passed away due to getting sick when she did Qleki was still a young owl and he now didnt have someone to be with him or play with him like his mother did. There was a butler who decided to  try and take care of Qleki. A couple years later when Qleki was looking in his mothers things to get memorys of what they both did together. Qleki  had found his mother's flute and he picked it up and he took it outside to play the flute. One of the maids had gotten hurt on accident when doing a task. When she was near Qleki when he was playing the flute she started to feel better and what she had hurt started to heal a bit but not fully. He didnt notice what he was doing until the maid had told him what had happened. Qleki found it interesting and he practiced more and more to help others when their hurt. He got better at it and he started to play around with the kids and the others and just being really friendly. Then he heard people talking about a town that was interesting and that is when he ended up traveling to this town that people were talking about and he also heard that there would possibly be a bounty in the town for a monster.

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