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You were going back to your home after finishing your work. Then u saw Taehyung getting out from a floral shop with sun flowers. You didn't know which feelings you were feeling.

You in mind- For whom he got flowers?!

You started following him without knowing why you were doing this. He was about to get on at his bike then you thought you can't follow him anymore.

Does he like someone else too???? Argh what am I thinking?!

You decide to call him and you did too. He looked back with surprised eyes.

Tae- Y/n?
You- Hii!
Tae- What are u doing alone in this late?
You- I was just going to my home!
Tae- let me drop u.
You- Don't you have any appointment?
Tae- Wae..... oh flowers?
You- Yea!
Tae- It's for someone.
You- Who?
Tae- Whom I love a lot!
You- Pfft who?
Tae- There's a woman!
You- Not a girl but a woman?
Tae- Yea!

You looked down with a sad face. He smiled secretly.

You- Then go to your woman. I can walk alone!
Tae- You wanna meet her?
You- No thanks!
Tae- Come on...... she is nice, kind and pretty!
You- I don't wanna meet! Go away......

You were about to leave but he held your wrist.

Tae- Someone is jealous......
You- In your dreams!
Tae- Then why don't u wanna meet her?
You- My eomma is waiting for me.....
Tae- Still u are coming with me!

He made u sat on his bike and left. He stopped somewhere, u didn't dare to look as you were frustrated.

Tae- Come in.....

When you were entering you saw that place was different than any restaurant or house. It was a memorial. You were not getting it.

Tae- There she is.

You looked at the place he pointed and found a big picture of a woman who was really pretty. Her smile was genuine and gentle.

You- She is....
Tae- My mom!
You- *shocked* I am so so so sorry Taehyung!
Tae- *giggled* it was funny tho! Tomorrow is her birthday. So I wanted to wish her at 12 am.
You- Ahh..... she is really beautiful.
Tae- Yea! Look eomma whom did I bring here~ she is y/n, I like her, she already rejected me one time then again took some time to reply!
You- Yah why are you complaining to aunty?
Tae- Look eomma now she is scolding me!
You- You need a good beating. Aunty your son fights with boys at SCHOOL.
Tae- Now why are u complaining?
You- And yea he used to bully me!
Tae- I already told you why I did that, now stop complaining to my mom!
You- Taehyung I should have buy something if u told me before.....
Tae- You don't need, she just happy after seeing you!
You- Aunty Don't worry, I'll give you something soon!

Taehyung just smiled, his eyes were filling with tears but he didn't want to cry front of you.

Next Day at school

You- Jimin do u have time rn?
Jimin- Yea tell!
You- Ah.... today is Taehyung's mom's birthday. I really wanna give her something. As u are his friend since childhood you probably know what she liked.... Can u help me?
Jimin- Ah! She wasn't really fond of gifts..... but I know something she wanted very badly.
You- What's that?
Jimin- Someone to look after Taehyung! She used to love him more than anything. But after she left..... Taehyung became really lonely. His father is really busy to take care of him. And he is such a kid when u get to know him, he is crazy for care and love! His mom is probably sad that Taehyung isn't getting care from anybody presently.
You- I did never think..... rich people have sadness in their life too.
Jimin- Haha.... well then I will go now! My music class is gonna start.

He left after you nodded. Then you came back to your class.

Minjae- Y/n.... why aren't u talking to me?
You- Nothing is like that Minjae. I was just busy with something.
Minjae- I know that u got to know that I like you.....
You- I Don't really wanna talk about that.
Tae- Hey Minjae.... well I am sorry!

He told and left like a magic. Minjae couldn't even digest that.

Minjae- What was that.....
You- This boy! *face palmed*
Minjae- I am not gonna forgive him!
You- Minjae.... he didn't mean to punch your face, he just has bad anger issues. He isn't really bad....
Minjae- Y/n.... do u like him?

You didn't say anything. Luckily English class started.

Namjoon- Where is Taehyung?
Sia- He just left.....
Tae- May I come in?
Namjoon- Where were u?
Tae- In washroom.
Namjoon- Okay come in. Btw there is a conversation competition next week. I want you guys to participate in member of two as a team.
Tara- I will be with Taehyung! Please oppa!.
Namjoon- Call me Mr. Kim or sir! And I will decide it by this small papers. Who boys and girls will be in one team. So it's the boys who will pick a paper and get their partner.
Sia- Okay sir!
Namjoon- Btw I heard Y/n, you are the highest scorer in this class?
You- Uh ye....yeah.
Namjoon- No need to shutter. Very good.
I hope u will get into SNU.
Tae- Mr. Kim should we start with the papers?

He said cause he was jealous you smiled after getting that. Namjoon nodded and the game started. Tara got Taehyung and Minjae got Sia and a random guy named Mark got you.

Tae- can I change my partner please Mr. Kim?
Namjoon- Sorry Taehyung.....
Tara- Come on Taehyung I'm not bad in English! If u cooperate we will be the winner!
Tae- I don't wanna be the winner, get off!
Sia- Let's practice from today!
Mark- Y/n.... uh- can... can- we prac- practice....in the- the libra-ry?
You- Why are u shuttering??
Tae- Don't you dare to flirt with her okay?
Mark- I.... I swear- I won't- So- sorry Tae- Taehyung....
You- You. Are. Scaring. Him. Taehyung!
Sia- After that fight its normal lol!
Tae- It's better now nobody will try to like you!

You sighed and left with Mark. Taehyung looked at Tara with a ugly look and left without her, and Tara started running behind him. Sia and Minjae looked at Tara and laughed.

Jimin- You both are partners??
Sia- Yeah. And trust me Minjae is good.
Jimin- Haha you like Y/n right..... haha! That's good!
Jk- Yeah Jimin u Don't need to worry!
Minjae- But ig..... Y/n likes Taehyung.
Yeji- It can be!
Jimin- These two *pointing on Yeji and Jk* got each other as partners!
Sia- Who is your partner Jimin?
Jimin- Olivia!
Jk- Olivia has a huge crush on Jimin....
Jimin- U don't need to say that here-
Sia- Whaa-
Jk- Yeah! And Jimin talks to her Sweetly!
Sia- I see!

She looked at Jimin like she will swallow him with water. Jimin gulped at looked at Jk like he will end his life so soon. Yeji and Minjae started laughing.

Thank You Guys~
Though I finished writing this part yesterday lol~
I was facing some problems on wattpad and I had to log out for a moment then I again logged in! And the issue was completely gone~
Lucky me~
I hope you liked it!
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Love y'all ❤❤❤

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