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Neteyam and Loak had got most of the branch off of Azula as their father lifted him out. Jake fell down on the ground behind Azula. Azula crawled into Jake's arms as he took a few shaky breaths into his father's chest. Jake wrapped his arms around his oldest son and whispered reassuring words into his ears.

Jake could tell that Azula was terrified from this whole situation.

Jake looked down at his son's leg and he saw how it was a darker color and swollen but he could tell that it wasn't broken, thankfully. "Son, are you alright?" Jake whispered into Azula's ear. He nodded into his father's chest.

Azula raised his head from his father's chest, looking around making sure everybody was there but realized that someone was missing, "Where's Spider?" he said looking up at Kiri.

"They took him, he's gone." Kiri muttered. Azula gave her a sad look knowing how pained she was from losing her best friend to those avatars.

Jake got up, pulling Azula up with him. Azula walked over to Loak and looked down at him while grasping his shoulder, "Are you ok?" Loak simply nodded gazing into his brother's eyes. "Good." Azula said putting his hand on Loak's head.

Azula then moved over to Neteyam and grasped his shoulder the same way he did Loak except he didn't have to look down since Neteyam was basically the same height as him. "Thank you." Azula smiled. Neteyam inked his gaze in his brother's eyes as he smiled and shook his head slightly.

Since Azula was the oldest he felt responsible for his brothers as well as his sisters, he couldn't help but feel guilty for letting this situation happen even though he couldn't have stopped it. After all he was the heir and if he couldn't even protect his family, how was he supposed to protect an entire clan.

'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

They were back at home base. The sully kids were outside their family's home and Tuk had her head in a little opening on the side listening to their parents arguing.

"He's targeting our family." Jake said leaning against the wall. "You cannot ask this, the children. This is all they've ever known, the forest. This is our home." Neytiri yelled at Jake. "He had our children. He had them under his knife." Jake said as he did a sliting motion across his neck.

Neytiri walked over and grabbed her father's bow, "my father gave me his bow as he lay dying and he said protect the people." 

"If the people harbor us, they will die. Do you understand?" He said as he looked his mate in the eyes, "look I got nothing. I got no plan. I can protect this family that I can do." He walked over to Neytiri as she put her hand on her forehead and slumped down to her level so he could look her in the eyes, "But I know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress."


517 words


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