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It had been two weeks since that night. Vara has been avoiding Azula. Everytime he would come around her try to talk to her she would walk away with her head down. She wouldn't come around the Sully's for training.

Azula didn't know the reason Vara was avoiding him. He thought that they would be having a second date but it seemed like they wouldn't if Vara kept avoiding him.

Azula hadn't tried talking to Vara as much the last 2 days. He felt if he gave her space maybe she would eventually come around and start talking to him again but he was getting tired of her not talking to him. He missed her. He missed the feeing he had whenever he was around her, the burning sensation in his stomach and how he felt tingles run all through this body.

Azula was walking along the shore when he noticed Vara walking along the shore a couple feet ahead of him.

He ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and when she noticed it was Azula she immediately turned and started to walk away.

Azula had had enough. He scoffed and grasped her wrist to turn her around, "what's your deal?" He questioned her.

"My deal?" Vara stated as she gazed up at him.

"Yes your deal. Why aren't you talking to me. You were all fine that night and then after it seems like you hate me and don't want to be around me. Do you just shut people out after something happens." Azula said as he narrowed his gaze towards her.

"What's wrong with not talking to someone. Maybe I just don't want to talk to you." Vara said as she ripped her wrist from Azula's grasp and started to walk away.

"Ok well that's you choice and you can deal with it on your own but atleast explain something to me," he stated as he ran infront of her and sighed, "why did you shut me out?" Azula continued as he softened his gaze.

"I can't do this right now." Vara said as she went around Azula.

Azula didn't want to say anything but he wanted to know, he needed to know. Why did she shut him out?

"Vara, please." His voice softened.

His tone made Vara stop, she could tell he was hurt. She didn't want to hurt him but also she was scared to tell him because if she did then her life might change and she was scared of that. She had lived the same way all her life and then all of a sudden this forest boy comes and changes it.

"Fine," Vara said as she turned to face Azula and stepped closer to him so she was right under his line of sight,

"Yes, I've been avoiding you. I want to shut you out because I have been living the same life everyday for years and then this forest boy comes out of nowhere and makes me feel things I've never felt before. I wish I could say that I hate it but I can't because I love it. So, yes Azula I shut you out because I'm scared, im scared of what I feel for you." Vara swallowed hard.

Azula's eyes widened as Vara finished. He stepped closer to her and to his surprise she didn't back away, "Vara you don't think I'm scared. I'm terrified but the one thing I know is that I want you." He stated as he cupped her cheek.

Vara's once tense body softened under his touch and that feeling had came back, the feeling of being burned that she enjoyed so much.

"If you ask me to I will." Azula stated with a longing look.

"Ask you to what?" Vara said with a confused look.

"Kiss you."

Vara's eyes widened at his words. She couldn't say no, she wanted him to kiss her so badly.

"Kiss me, Azula. Please."

Azula smirked as he leaned in and collided his lips with Vara's, the kiss lasting longer than it should have.

As they both pulled away, both having smiles on their faces and tints of blush spread across their cheeks, they both stifled a laugh.

"I should get home." Azula stated.

"Yeah, just say your a terrible kisser."

"What.." Azula stated with a hurt look.

"I'm kidding, relax. Your actually pretty decent." Vara stated with a sarcastic look spread on her face.

"Ha ha very funny. We both know I'm the best kisser in this island."

"That stretching it, shy boy." Vara stated as she smacked him on the chest and started to walk away.

"Hey wait. What about our second date?" Azula shouted.

"Hmm, meet me here tomorrow night."

"Where are you gonna take me?"

"You'll see." Vara stated as she walked away.

"Goodnight," Azula stated but didn't get a response from Vara.

Azula scoffed as he turned around and walked home.

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