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It was merely a day before the beginnings soon to be seen, on a dark foggy afternoon, a little after lunch began his fate of dread, a man named Dr. Daniel Freeman. He had been caught, the man of horrors had finally been caught.
Dr. Freeman stood before the judge, his dark glassy skin shining in the fluorescents of the courtroom  from the beads of sweat from the final fall heat, he was a beautiful sight in the courtroom for a murderer at least with eyes as light as the afternoon sky, with square glasses sitting in front of them . The murders of 33 people tortured in ways no human could endure no longer than mere minutes, he spent his days ripping people apart in honor of his spouse not gone, simply missing.
He tore them apart, saving hearts in jars, saving them the spouses study of choice was the body so why wouldn't he have nerves lining the walls of his horrific crimes. The hours went by, slower than a tortoise's movement, the court judge spent time thinking about what to do with him. His lawyer pleaded him insane for he only did it for his dead lover didn't you know? He was found as such and was to be sent to Parkinson's correctional for the criminally insane. Of course, this meant nothing to him as he expected to either die there from being beaten or be seen as a god in front of the people there. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you." His partner in these crimes, Alexander Simones, cried, the one who brought the gorgeous women that Dan killed.
"No you are not Alex, were you not the one who called the police on me? And on another note, it'll be an easy life from here won't it Dr. Simones?" Dan spoke poison lacing his voice. "Alright pity party move you've got a deadline to get to the prison." A guard groaned pushing Daniel away towards the front doors to take him to his new fate.

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