~Chapter 1~

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"Ground team, go!"Jake said, signaling the team to go invade the incoming train. The teams successfully derailed the train and took the ammunition for their use. "Let's go two minutes, people. Let's go."


"You guys, we have to get down there," Loak said. "No way dad will skin us," Neteyam said, trying to persuade lo'ak not to go. "No way, loak. I ain't trying to get another speech from dad because of your stupid decisions that wind up getting us hurt." Naveah urged on. "Come on. Don't be a wuss." Loak said, making his way down there. "Fine, but if either of us gets hurt, I'm slapping the blue off of you, loak. That's a promise." She said, making her way down.

"Naveah, loak, get back here!" Neteyam yelled in frustration.
Gunships started to fly their way to where they were. "Gunships inbound! Fall back!" The ships started to shoot blowing up anything and everything in their path.


"C'mon, guys! They're coming!" Loak said, trying to run. "Loak, I swear to eywa your ass is grass!" Naveah said, trying to run away. A loud blast was heard behind them, and they got all got flung in different directions.
"Loak, Neveah, neteyam! where are you?! Neveah!" Jake yelled. "Dad! I'm over here," Naveah said in a strained voice. "Babygirl, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?." Jake said, worried about his oldest daughter. "Dad, I'm fine, just a few bruises. Nothing kiri can't fix. You should be worried about neteyam and the dipshit that got us into this." Neveah said, thinking about how she's gonna confront loak when this is over. "Ok, be careful. Get outta here, " Jake said, kissing her on her forehead before he heads off to find her brother.


"Fall in!.. You're supposed to be spotters. You spot bogeys, and you call them in. From a distance! Does that sound familiar? Jesus, I let you three geniuses fly a mission. And you disobey direct orders." Jake said infuriated. "Kiri, can you go help your grandmother with the wounded please." Jake Interprets in a stern voice. "My brother is wounded." She said. "Just go, please. Tuk go with her go!" Jake said. "Father I take full responsibility-" Neteyam began. "That's right you Do. Your the older brother you gotta act like it." Jake said angrily. "Dad it wasn't his fault. He was trying to stop loak he didn't disobey your orders he was looking out for him like an Older brother should do." Neveah said trying to reason with her father. "Majake, your son is actually bleeding." Neytiri said in a matter-of-fact voice. "Mother it's fine, I-" Neteyam said with sorrow in his eyes. Neveah looked at him with sympathy. "Go and get patched up. Go on dismissed. " Neveah, Neytiri, and Neteyam walked away but not before Neveah looked at loak with a stern face. She looked him in the eye and slapped him. "That's for almost getting us killed. Sxwang" she said as she walked away.


"Yeah haha. Real hysterical guys. You know what sucks tho is you can breathe earth's air for hours and I can only breathe your air for 10 seconds." Spider said. "Yea monkey boy that sucks..for you," Kiri says in a playfull manner.
We were all watching a video with kiri's mom in it. "So who do you think knocked her up?" Spider said in a questioning and playful manner. "Pretty sure it was norm." Loak said. "You idiots if norm had sex with her then kiri would be like you Spider" Neveah said. "Whateveri still think norm hit that." Loak said. "Yea totally," Spider said as he and loak laughed. "You two do not deserve to live." Kiri said. "Think about it right. He's theteacher'ss pet. He's out at the lab with her all the Time." Loak said as if he sounded like he was making a point. Neveah facepalmed. "Why do I even try to explain things to you it just goes into one ear and out the other." She said. "I would kill myself. I would drink acid." Kiri said in distaste. "Dude your right he's like in every shot. Look he's giving her the looks!" Spider said. "Hey!" Kiri said giving a stern look to Spider. "See I'm thinking their two avatars together in the woods...all alone.." loak trailed off. "Stop it loak!" Neveah said as she shoved him. "Guys I mean sometimes its not so great to know who your father was." Neveah gave him a side-eye. "Ugh Spider you always ruin the mood with your sap stories." She said fed up with him. "Whatever. I don't even remember him." "Spider you are not him." Kiri said trying to provide him some kind of comfort. "Yea dude your father was the king of all assholes you're the opposite of that shitball. Cheer up." Neveah said.


"Tuk keep up! Come on!" Loka said. "Ok ok." Tuk said. "Bro, why did you bring her anyway?" Spider said. "Because she's such a crybaby. Saying 'I'm telling. You're not supposed to be on the battlefield. I'll tell mom if you don't let me come." "Don't pick on her," Kiri said.q "I mean she's not wrong weren't supposed to be here." Neveah said squinting her eyes at loak.
They got to an old worn down ship stuck in the vines. "Are there any dead bodies up there?" Tuk asked out of curiosity. "Tuk seriously." Neveah said nonchalantly.
Neaveah saw kiri wandering off because at times she tends to get lost in her world. She was gonna go after her but she was Spider following her but she knew he had a thing for her so she left them alone.
Neveah and loak spotted tracks. "These tracks are way too big for a human." She said cautiously. She's on high alert. "Avatars?" Spider questioned. "Maybe but not ours," Loak said. "What are you doing?" Kiri questioned. "Shh, I'm tracking," Naveah said silencing them.


Loak and Neveah got to the old shack and hid behind some leaves and stayed silent to not draw unwanted attention. "Come on loak we have to report this to dad." She said. "No we'll get in trouble." Loak said pleading. "Correction you're going to get in trouble I'm only here to protect your sorry ass," Neveah replied smugly. "Whatever," Loak said rolling his eyes. "Devil dog this is eagle eye do you copy?." Neveah said. "Eagle eye send your traffic." ,Said, Jake. "I've got eyes on some guys. They look like avatars but they're in full camo and carrying ARs. They're six of them. Over" she said."What's your position over." He replied." Uh, we're at the old shack." She said. "Who's we." Jake said a small wave of fear washing over him. "Me, spider,kiri,loak...and tuk." She said. "Nev you listen to me very carefully. Pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. Copy?" Jake said sternly. "Yes sir, moving out." She said and she started to get moving.


"You are going to be in so much trouble loak." Kiri said. "Kiri now is not the right time to be worrying about that we have to get the hell up outta here." Neveah said staring at each of them as she trudged along wanting to get her family out of there as soon as possible. "Its almost eclipse come o-." Tuk started but her sentence was cut short when out of nowhere she was grabbed by an unknown person. "Tuk!" Kiri yelled. But all Neveah could think of was saving her baby sister. Before everyone's eyes, she had a knife up against the unknown Navis's Throat. Her pupils dilated and with a dark scary voice, she whispered in her ear and said."touch her again and I'll cut your fucking hand off and shove it down your gotdamn throat." The look on the lady's face was priceless it looks like she had shit herself if she hasn't already. But Neveah having the upper hand didn't last long when a bunch of men came and yelled saying. "Get down now or I'll shoot! Drop it!" Spider and Neveah snarled and stood their ground.
"Spider, Neaveah put your weapons down!" Kiri yelled. "Put it down, put it down they have the upper hand!" Loak yelled as well trying to ease them. Spider and Neveah put Down their weapon but not before Neveah glared a dark glare upon them all. As soon as they put them down they were all forced to their knees. But they did it very forcefully. The people grabbed them by their hair and shoulders. "Check for weapons all of them!" The soldiers yelled sternly. Tuk was calling out to kiri and crying. They were manhandling her. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER! I SWEAR I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!" Neveah yelled enraged. "Well well, what have we here.."

☆To be continued☆

Phlox speaks-
Ok let's give a little background information this is what Neveah looks like but with yk tatas and she wears her dad's old compression shirt with no sleeves reason being she's not one to wear the traditional things the women wear it's uncomfortable to her and for bottoms, she wears just black cargos but she wears black shorts when she goes swimming. I'm excited for this story and for the people who came from my Wednesday fanfic I'm so sorry for being on hiatus for this long but I just lost motivation for that story I hope you all understand. But Back this if you already couldn't tell this is a tsireya x fem oc cause. Theirs like five fanfics of her and that ain't enough worship for that beautiful blue Alien I have this story already written out from beginning to end so if I don't post an update I might have died or got a new phone ☠️☠️(don't take me seriously) anyway hope you all enjoy Love youuuu♡

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