Chapter 6

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I can't see!  I can barely hear!  I want to be home with Leonardo and the dogs not here, where ever this is.  Footsteps!  I can hear footsteps approaching me, from which direction I don't know. 

"Well seems like they snagged you at the worst time."  A voice said echoing through the room I was in, I don't think I recognize the voice but it does sound familiar.  I felt a hand, cold and bony, on my face it rested on my cheek.  The person started rubbing his thumb on my face it was weird and I don't like it!

The hand moved from my cheek to my lips, to the gag that was in my mouth.  "Your quiet pretty aren't you, to bad we're going to have to rough you up."  The person said and took the gag from my mouth.  "Let me go!"  I yelled and tried to get untied from the chair. 

"Oh, Erin don't think about it."  The person, I am assuming male, said and lifted my chin upwards.  "Please," I whimpered, "let me go.  I promise I won't tell anyone about what happened here."  I begged trying to reason with the guy.  "Yeah, we could let you go."  The guy said I was happy but I could tell by his tone that there was something else, that he wasn't saying. 

"But then you'd just run back to your mafia husband, and I don't need his ass on my trail."  The man said using vulgar language that I wouldn't use to describe Leonardo. "Maybe we should teach you something's while your here." The man said and I think he got up. I felt something hit me across the face, really fast, it hurt like a bitch!!

"Oh that's going to leave a mark." The man said plainly, I let out the loudest and highest scream I could muster trying to grab anyone's attention from the outside to come inside and help me. "Yelling won't help you," The man said and once again put something up against my face. I know what that is, a shiver went up my spine.

I heard the man give a small chuckle, "Yeah, you know what that is." The man said holding the gun to my face. "Don't scream," The man said putting the gun closer than it could go to my head. "It'll make me want to hurt you even more." He said and another shiver ran up my spine.  He took the gun off my face and I think he started walking away since his footsteps got quieter. 

I don't know how long I've been here it feels like hours but I bet it's only been a few hours.  That man has been gone for a while now and I am kinda scared.  I heard the scraping of a metal door on the concrete ground and winced at the pain it caused my ears. 

"Sorry I kept you waiting." The man said, approaching me. "I had to grab a few things." He said making my blood run cold. "W-what were the things you needed to grab?" I asked my voice shaking, I felt something cold press up to my cheek. A stinging pain sensation went through my cheek as the man dragged the object across my cheek.

Warm liquid slowly pooled out of the injury, it was my blood, the man cut me with a knife.  "Oh, just some knives, whips, and another thing I won't specifically say now,"  The man said making me scared, I don't know how I am going to survive.  "Now chose a number 1-3."  The man said to me.  "Uh, 2?" I asked hoping it was no something bad. 

"Oops, wrong choice." The man said and I heard something being taken off a table, there was some scraping on the ground.  "W-what is that?"  I asked hoping it was something not bad like a gun.  "Well, you really want to know, don't you?"  The man said as a loud cracking sound filled the air.  The man walked close to me, putting his mouth next to my ear. 

"You got the steel tipped whip."  He whispered, I could here the smile form on his lips as a shiver went up my spine.  "Wait," I quickly said as the man pulled away from my ear.  "You don't have to do this."  I said trying to reason with the man in front of me. 

"Oh I know.  I don't have to do this, but darling I want to!"  He said quickly cracking the steel tipped whip at my body.  It hit my abdomen, I could feel the whip rip my clothes, in the spot where it was hit, breaking skin as well. 

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