Chapter 14

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I wake up the next morning in a familiar bed. Eds bed to be exact. He has his arm around me and is holding me close in his strong arms, my face snuggled close in his solid chest. I look up to see Ed is just starting to wake up too. He opens his eyes, smiles, then kissing my forehead.

"Good morning." I say with a sleeping smile 

"Good morning love." He responds in that super sexy sleepy voice. "What do you want to do today?" He ask 

"Hm.'' I think for a second "Nothing really I have to go to work then later tonight but we can go out after." I answer.

"Or we spend the day together and I drop you off then pick you up later for dinner with Niall and Monique." he suggest.

"Sounds great." I say "But I need to take a shower first so can we go to my place so I can get ready then you can pick me up there?" I ask

"Yeah beside I have to get my car from the pub then shower." He says 

"Okay." i say "Great let me call a taxi.''

When the taxi comes he kisses me good bye. After i get back to the dorm Anne is out problem getting a coffee or something. I get in the shower. When I get out I dry my hair and pick out what to wear. I pick out blue jeans and a pink t-shirt with a black flower on it. Then I do some bronze eye shadow and a little blush.Then I hear a knock on the door it's Ed. He drives us to a restaurant. We Sit down and I order some tea and eggs with bacon. Ed gets a cup of coffee with pancakes. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a paw print on it. Gosh he is just so cute. And the perfectly messy hair doesn't help.

After we eat he ask "Lets go to the beach ." 

I look outside then say "Ok. Beside it seems really nice outside." 

We drive to the beach when we get there Ed says "'Swimming?"

 I look at him like he is crazy "What is wrong with you we don't have swim suits.''

He laughs "We have under wear don't we." 

"But." I say "It under wear."

He grabs my hand and kisses my check. "Came on you only live once. Be daring for once." 

"Eh" I complain "Fine." I say letting go of his hand a ripping off my shirt then start with my pants.

Ed laughs then takes off his cloths and runs in "Come on the waters fine.''

I run to the water towards Ed. When I get in he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and spins around. we laugh and play in the water. We slash each other, swim, and have a good time. Once when we was chasing me out of the water he caught me and we fell to the sand and his face got soft. Then we ended up making out on the beach. But then we heard people come after a while so we stop. He had a towel in the back of his car so we tried off with that then got dressed. We went back to my dorm to watch a movie.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask 

"Um" he says "Anything really." 

we end up watching Grease. But half way through the movie we both fall Asleep. I wake up and see I have 20 minutes to get to work. I wake Ed up. 

"Ed." I say shaking his shoulder "Ed wake up." 

He opens his eyes and smile then say "Not with out a kiss love." 

I roll my eyes then kiss him "Come on I have to leave to work." 

He sits up and stretches "I'll drive you then pick you up.''

''Aren't you just a little chauffeur." I sarcastically say.

"And you missy." He say taking my hand and walking us out the door "are little miss sarcasm.''

At 7 Ed picks me up and we go to get fish and chips with Monique and Niall, Fish and Chips are my new favorite food. We sit and talk Cheyenne is coming in 5 days and she will be staying with Monique for a while. After dinner I go home, Kiss Ed good bye, I check my email. I see I have one form Sammy it reads 'Hey sorry It been way busy here and sad news all around people keep getting sick and we don't know why. Me and one of my friends her (Casey) think it's from the goat milk but not sure yet still doing some more test. Joesph whats to talk I have to go video chat you when I can. Bye Love Sammy.' then at the bottom is one form Joesph. And it reads 'He Marisol. I am sad, Mommy got really sick and left me here, and no one can find Daddy. But Swammy is helping me feel better. She holds me when I cry and when she not working for the white school thing she plays with me but she works a lot. Love Joesph.' Poor Joesph he is an orphan now. I end up crying and Anne walks in and freaks out she ends up crying to and she doesn't even know Joesph. 

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