Chapter 15

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After all the actitivites we headed inside.

The winner was another team,
Y/n's Team had won. But I didn't mind it. She looked attractive even if she was soaked in sweat after all that running.

Since it was our last day we packed everything. We would leave tomorrow morning. It was one of the best trips I ever had. Especially when Y/n was also with us.

Y/n came out of the shower, drying her hair with a towel.

"Have you packed yet?" She asked as she sat on the side of the bed.

"Yeah, I'm almost finished" I said putting the clothes to the bag.

"What about you?" I asked her. She hummed and nodded in response.

She then came to the couch and Sat down. "Oh right, before we go. I bought some soju!" She took out a bottle of soju.

"I don't think we-"

"Shut up. We will finish it tonight!" She smirked.

"But we ca-" I was about to say as she shushed me.

"Alright fine!" I said as I pulled her arm away from me.

We sat down and took our first shot.


"Last one!" She said, trying to drink more shots.

"Nope, that's more than enough for you." I took the soju and put it somewhere she can't reach.

"But we didn't even finish it!" She said, she was sober. Her words were all wobbly.

"You cAn't do that!" She got up to reach the soju. She gently jumped tiny steps trying to reach it. She jumped once more before falling onto Me.

We both fell on the ground. I held her head before it had hit the ground making her completely pass out.

"O?" She said as she tilted her head.

I stood there. On top of her. Our eyes staring at eachothers as we make a soft eye contact.

Her eyes were sparkling just like how the Seoul city shines.

"Beomgyu?" She said. I woke myself up. She suddenly grabbed my face and pulled me in for a


Her soft lips that were now connected with mines. The strawberry lip balm she has on her lips that were spreading to my lips as we kept on with the kiss.

We slowly pulled away from the kiss. "You're a nice kisser!" She yelled. I covered her mouth. "Mmh!" She yelled muffled screams. I then let go off her. I got off her. "Your lips are so soft! And you're a good kisser! Woah, you're totally my type! What's your name pretty boy?" She said.

Yep. She had gone crazy.

"Enough Y/n, better get to bed."

I said as I sighed as I replayed the moment we had kissed in my mind.

"Whose Y/n!? Me!? Woahhh!!!" She said. She's a total different person when she's drunk.

Before I knew, she was passed out on the floor. I sighed and carried her to her bed. It wasn't far so I just layed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

"Good kisser?" I thought to myself.

I jumped to the couch covering myself with blankets and laying my head on the soft pillow.

Something came to my mind while I was staring at the ceiling.

[ everytime somebody says something about you when they're sober, they're most likely telling the truth. The thoughts come to their mind and they spit it out like nothing since they're sober]

I remembered the words. As I bought up my hand to cover my face due to the embarrassment I was feeling.

"Me? Good kisser!?" I spoke out.

Wait. So that means she liked it.
Right? I'm so confused.

As the thoughts kept wandering around my mind. I felt my eyebags go heavy suddenly. My eyes start to close and I slowly fell asleep.

The next morning

I woke up to see Y/n packing her bags and getting ready to leave.

"You're already ready?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded. I got up and dressed up. I grabbed my bag and headed outside where all the students were gathered.

I followed Y/n outside. Eunchae came running to her taking her somewhere else where all of her friends were waiting for her.

I watched her from afar as she giggled with her friends.

As I was watching her, "yo bro!" Huening Kai said as he slapped my shoulder making me flinch.

"Oh, yeah, hi" I waved at him.

"Is everything alright? You look.. lost?" He said. I shook my head "no" I said as he kept staring at me like there was something wrong.

For some reason I felt really lonely when Y/n wasn't near me. Though I'm literally watching her from a distance right now.

The bus arrived and we waited until the teacher was done with the attendance. After everybody came out of their dorms we got on the bus.

I decided to sit next to taehyun.

Y/n sat with sakura and they talked a lot. Me on the other side, taehyun was sleeping. It's like he was frozen. He slept so peacefully he didn't even make a noise.

I also fell asleep due to boredom.

Half an hour later I woke up to
feel somebody hitting my back. I looked to see Taehyun there.
"Get up, we're here" he said and got off the bus. I followed him out and the teacher took another attendance.

I stared at Y/n. I had flashbacks of yesterday suddenly. I shook my head trying to forget it. But it just kept popping up in my head.

"Your alright gyu?" Somebody said. I woke up. I was totally dozed off for a while. I looked forward to see Y/n with her head tilted.

"Loser" I whispered into her ear and ran off. It was so random but I loved seeing her annoyed.

"Aish, you" she said.

I let out a slight chuckle. She then rolled her eyes off.

"Alright students, I believe everyone is tired so we will let you guys go today" the teacher said as the students cheered.

I looked over to Y/n to see her talking about some plans with Eunchae.

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