Chapter 36

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After class, I was headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

But suddenly, somebody came from my back.

"Hii! You must've seen me today at your first class!" A girl spoke. She must be the new student.

"Uhm.. Yeah. Do you need anything?" I asked him. I didn't eat to be friends with her since she gave me creepy vibes.

"I was actually gonna ask if Y/n is your girlfriend?" The girl asked. I was pretty surprised. Does she have a crush already? What the hell. If I said no, she would try to get with me. If I say yes, she will leave me alone. But me and Y/n aren't dating yet!

"Why are you asking?" I asked all annoyed.

"I just want to learn more about you, is it bad?" She asked while pouting. Disgusting.

"Don't talk to me unless you have anything to ask me" I told her and walked off.

I went to sit with my friends.

"Gosh that girl must be annoying you" Yeonjun spoke.

"Tell me about it. She just transferred today. Who does she think she is?" I responded and sat down.

"Just ignore her. It looked like she was jealous of Y/n. You should've seen her face when you and Y/n walked out that limousine." Huening Kai laughed. Hearing that also made me laugh.

"Is she jealous of Y/n?" I started laughing.

"Probobaly, be careful. She might try to ruin Y/n's reputation" Taehyun spoke making us go silent.

"Taehyun is right, she could cause extreme shit here" Soobin spoke.

"We should look out for Y/n then. Make sure no scandals go around" I told them

They all nodded and we kept eating.

"Gyu! Wanna head to bowling after school with the others?"
Y/n suddenly came up.

"Oh that'd be nice, wanna bet on it?" I asked while challenging her.

"Bet. What will you do if I win?" She asked.

"I'll buy you a Sunday" I smiled at her. She gasped in shock and jumped.

"Deal!" She said and went back to her table. I didn't get to ask her what she would give me if I won though. Oh whatever.

After lunch everybody went back to their class.


After lunch, I went to my 5th class
And sat on my everyday seat with Yunjin.

"We're going to bowling with the others today after class, you should come" I asked her.

"Of course I'll come! I'll make sure to call the rest of the team" she winked.

"Alright!" I smiled and turned to the front and took out my textbooks.

"Hey Y/n~" An-byeol the new girl came up to me.

"Oh hey" I said, pretty surprised since she seemed like she hated me.

"I was thinking if I could also come to the bowling with you guys, I'm new and I wanna get to know you all" she pouted. Seeing somebody pout made me cringe a lot but I guess it was okay to invite her.

"Oh sure! It would be a nice way to get to know you!" I smiled at her. She flashed her teeths and left to her desk.

The teacher soon came in and started the lesson.

While I was writing on my textbook, a note got thrown on my desk. It was all crumbled so I just opened it to see what it said.

Stay away from
Choi Beomgyu.
He's mine

What the hell? I don't care. I'll talk to him no matter what. He literally my closest friend

I threw the paper away while rolling my eyes. I don't need somebody controlling my life. I've already escaped that witch.

I focused on the lesson. I'd rather die than figure out who threw the paper.

Bell ring

The bell rang and I packed all my stuff in the bag. Me, Yunjin and An-Byeol  walked out together and gathered around the gate. When we were at the gate, Beomgyu looked so annoyed after seeing An-Byeol. Did something happen between them? Oh well.

"Hey Y/n" Beomgyu smiled while coming near me.
"Hey gyu, how'd you do in your lessons?" I asked him.
"Not so good. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Beomgyu pulled me away from the others.

"Gosh do we really have to talk in private?" I asked him.

"Why did you invite An-Byeol?" Beomgyu's words came out cold.

"She asked to come, and I agreed because it would be a good way to get to know her" I shrugged.

"She's a menace to the school. I already hate her a lot. She has a plan towards you and i" Beomgyu changed his tone while talking to me.

"How so?" I asked worried.

"She was asking about if you were My girlfriend and shit" Beomgyu continued.

"I got a note in class too. But i dont know if it's from her" i told him.

"Guys! Are you coming or not?" A voice yelled.

"Yeap!" I yelled back and dragged Beomgyu to the gates.

"Let's go shall we?" An-Byeol spoke.

"Let's split. Y/n, Soobin and Eunchae will come to the Limousine with me. I'll call a taxi for the others"  Beomgyu spoke whole they nodded except for An-Byeol.

"But I wanted to go with Y/n!" She crossed her arms.

"Stop acting like a five year old An-byeol. Be grateful you're not paying for the taxi" Beomgyu spoke cold words towards her.

She didn't say anything and closed her mouth shut. We all waited until their taxi came and then we got on the limousine.

"But why limousine?" I asked Gyu.

"Cause I felt like it, I want you to feel special" he winked.

"Can you guys stop flirting around us? It's making me feel single" Soobin spoke.

"Shut up were not dating" I told soobin.

"We will soon though" Beomgyu smiled.

"Shut up Gyu" I said.

"Nope" he smirked.

"Water" Eunchae said while laying her head back.

"You say the most random things at the most random times" I said while looking at her.

"Water" she repeated.

"Here, have some" I handed her some water.

"Thanks!" She smiled and sipped from the bottle.

She knows how to get what she wants by just saying it.

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