Chapter 1

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A cold wind blew on the cold stormy December day winter was here. It reminded Bucky of all of the time he missed and the fall off the train that put him though all the pain that lead him here. He nervously paced back and forth having no idea what to expect for his recruit. Fury had told them very limited information about these special individuals, after all that is what S.H.I.E.L.D was great at keeping secrets.

He stopped pacing hearing footsteps in front of the door, he turned to face the door. Bucky looked at the door and was surprised as a young brunette man with blue eyes opened the door.
"How can I help you Mr.?" He asked.

Something about him seemed off, but Bucky couldn't tell just by looking at him. "Barnes, and you might be able. I am looking for someone, a Maxwell Ryans. You know him?" Bucky asked him.

The man nodded, "Yes, he is a student here. I am Charles Xavier, I run this school. Follow me, I can take you to the library he is probably in their." Charles explained to him.

Charles opened the door, and watched as Bucky went inside. He wondered what Mr. Barnes wanted from Max, he was a good kid so hopefully he wasn't in any trouble. There was something familiar with Mr.Barnes, he recognized him, but didn't say anything about it. Charles stepped inside after him and led him to the library.

~Meanwhile at Avengers Tower~

The Avengers were getting ready to gather their recruits. The only problem was they didn't know where they would be, after all some of them are hiding for a good reason.

Tony sighed as he got out of his chair. "Come one, their always is an easy way. Why don't we call them and tell them to meet us here? That would be smarter than sitting around here all day!" Tony complained as he started to do circles around the table everyone was sitting.

Steve looked at him, "It's not the easy, and could you sit down please!" He told him.

Steve was getting more and more annoyed with Tony recently. Ever since Fury told them how much more powerful HYDRA had gotten, and how they were growing weaker in power and numbers. Tony has been wanting nothing, but some action. He wasn't the only one though, just the only one blabbering about it non-stop.

Natasha looked at the two of them, "Boys behave!" She told them.

Nat began to tap her finger on the desk, "Besides, we already got the location for one. Aeron Verlice, we ran into him a while back. He was working for HYDRA and then one day vanished went off the grid, but the street cameras in Manhattan caught someone who loves similar to him." Natasha informed all of them.

Clint looked at her and nodded, "Good, work. Tony know you have to do the hard part get him to join us." Clint told as he looked at the billionaire.

Tony sat back down in his seat and smirked, "How do we know it is him and not his evil twin or an alien or a clone?" He replied sarcasticly. "Or even worse a Mandroid!" Tony added with a gasp.

Thor looked at Tony, "I think this one has been watching the magic box too much. Maybe man of iron needs to eat some magic poptarts to calm his mind!" Thor explained as he jumped out of his chair to get some delicious poptarts.

Bruce looked at him, "Thor, sit down. We have more to talk about and I have more too teach you I see." Bruce told the Asgardian.

Tony got up and headed out side ready for the adventure of finding Aeron. He was going to do it, and maybe Aeron is a fan of him or something that would be great.

Author's Note

I changed it up a bit and I think it is better than before, but let me know what you think. I know it is short, but next time we will focus on other recruits and then get into some action and the fun stuff. The next update is either Sunday or Monday. I hoped you enjoyed it, also if your oc is in this please tell me their aesthetics and color scheme. Also, here is Bucky's moodboard. Thanks to Queen_Bishop for making it!

 Thanks to Queen_Bishop for making it!

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