Days Gone Bye

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A police car slowly drives down a street with woods covering both sides of the street. The car slowly stops as it ran out of gas. A man waring a police uniform pops the trunk and steps out. There is a semi truck with no trailer tipped over on its side next to him and a car that is flipped over in the middle of an intersection. He walks over to the trunk and grabs a gas can and starts walking away from the car. There are rusty cars covered in mold. He walks toward the gas station down a small hill clenching his side in pain then slowly releases. There are dozens of empty cars and camping stuff lying in the grass. He looked in one car and sees a woman with rotted skin and flies around her waring a lace tank top and a v-neck light red shirt. He reaches the gas station but on one of the stations there is a old sign that says "No Gas." With a look of disappointment he starts to walk back but a shuffling noise behind him makes him stop in his tracks. He slowly turns around and bends down to look underneath a car and sees pale legs with old dirty bunny slippers on and it bends down to grab a old teddy bear. He quickly gets up and slowly walks toward her. She starts walking away from him. "Little girl?" He says softy but loud enough for her to hear. "I'm a police man, little girl?" She stopes in her tracks. "Don't be afraid, ok, little girl." She turns around and her mouth is half gone dripping blood and her eyes are light green with red around them. Her clothes have blood dripping on them. He puts a sad look on his face and the girl groans and starts walking toward him. She starts shuffling faster and faster towards him and he reaches for his gun. Backing up he pulls out his gun and points it at her and fires. The bullet hits right between her eyes and she falls down with blood oozing out of the bullet hole. He lowers his gun with hurt in his eyes.

There is two boxes of hamburgers and fries and there both half eaten in side a police car. "What's the difference between men and women?" One guy asks.

"This a joke?" The on their answers as he hands him a napkin.

"No, I'm serious." He says.

"I never met a woman who new how to turn off a light. There born thinking the switch only goes one way, on. There struck blind the second they leave a room. I mean every woman I ever let have a key--I swear to god, it's like I come home, house is all light up." He chuckles. "And my job, you see, apparently--because my chromosomes happen to be different--is I've then gotta walk through that house, turn off every single light switch this chick left on."

"Is that right?" He says

"Yeah, baby. Oh, reverend Shane is preaching to you now, boy." They both softly laugh. "Then-- the same chick, mind you-- she'll bitch about global warming. You see, this is-- this is when reverend Shane wants to quote from the guy gospel and say, "darling, maybe you and every other pair of boobs on this planet, just figure out the light switch, you see, goes both ways, maybe we wouldn't have so much global warming."" Shane argues.

"You say that?" Rick asks.

"Mmm." Shane nods. "Yeah, well, a polite version." He chuckles. "Still, man, that earns me this look of loathing you would not believe. And that's when the exorcist voice pops out."(Deep voice)"You sound just like my damn father! Always yelling about power bill, telling me to turn off the damn lights!"

"And what do you say to that?" Rick asks.

"I know what I want to say. I want to say, "bitch, you mean to tell me you've been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?"" They both laugh. "You know, I-- I don't actually say that though." Says Shane.

"That would be bad." Rick laughs.

"Right right. Yeah, I go with the-- I go with the polite version there too."

"Vary wise." States Rick.

"Yes sir." Shane finishes. "So how's it with Lori, man?" He asks.

"She's good-- she's good at turning off lights. Really good. I'm the one who sometimes forgets." Rick says

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