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     Finally making it to the Hokage's office doors, one of the men knocked. After a moment a gravelly, but sound voice called out, "Come in." They opened the doors, Mienai walked in first. The Hokage laid his eyes upon Mienai, gasping, he dropped his pipe in shock. After dismissing his men, he asked the girl before him for her name, leaning forward as he did. It seemed he was waiting with much awaited anticipation for her name as if a simple name would be everything.
"Mienai Tenshi, sir." She replied, bowing with respect.
"As I thought. I've been waiting for you Mienai."


     "Wait, you know who I am?" She asked incrediously. He simply nodded and motioned with his hand for her to move closer to his desk, seeing as she was still by the door. Walking forward, she stopped just short of a foot before his desk. She watched silently as he pulled out two very old and dusty looking scrolls. The first was a deep, but very faded red with the lights of green vines hand painted along back of the scroll. The handles, a light silver that seemed to catch the light and sparkle here and there, even through the dust. The other dotted with what appeared to be flower petals, specifically rose, and the handles were the same as the first scroll. She eventally reached for the scrolls, looking at the hokage, silently asking for permission. Upon his nod, she grasped the scrolls one in each hand. Deciding to open them alone, she decided it was time to discuss if she could stay and other things.
"Am I allowed to stay?!" She rather blurted than asked. Regardless of Mienai's less than subtle tendencies on occasion, the Hokage smiled and let out a hearty laugh.
"Of course, my child. Those scrolls are from your clan. This is your home. You are from this world, not the world you came from. Be warned many of the tenshi clan lost there vision before the age of 20, just remember even if you cant see, that doesn't mean you're blind." He finished speaking, pulling out a pen and paper and started writing. Mienai stood there patiently as he wrote, wondering about naruto. She knew everything to happened and wondered if she should tell the hokage this.
     "Here you go. These are for you and if you'd like to take a seat over there I'll have a joinin here shortly to escort you to your new residence. You will be attending the ninja academy if you do not wish to let me know now, alright?" He handed me a few small papers and a pouch that jingled slightly as he reached it out to her.
"Thank you," she bowed, "but I have to tell you something I know the future. Not just yours, but everyones. I know every detail about the fate of this world and honesly I want to change a few things. I'm not sure how that will affect things, however, I can say I will never be a threat to this village. I will always be an ally to Konoha. I will have to go rouge one day, but only to save comrades. I also request, if it's alright, that I be placed on Team 7 with Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Kakashi Hatake as sensei. That will make sense one day. I dont trust everyone, if I may have a pen and paper, I'll write the list of those I do." He nodded, handing me a pen and paper.
"I can tell you are being honest with me, my child. I believe when it is time, it is your time and that should not be changed. However if someone's death could be avoided simply please do help them survive." Mienai nodded in agreement as she got to work on her list. Taking a deep breath, she passed the pen and paper back to the Hokage. A thoughtful and seemingly intrigued expression adorned his face as he looked over her list of trusted people in Konoha.
     "I see. Well, I was going to have Kakashi come escort you anyway." He smiled at her and sent a hawk for him. A few moments later Kakashi appeared with a poof. He bowed, "You called Hokage?" Kakashi asked. Rising, he walked forwords Mienai and the Hokage, cautious of the young girl, not knowing who she is. Which is fair as he is a trained ninja and he doesn't know this kid. Kakashi looked towards the Hokage silently seeking an answer as to who the child was. The Hokage taking note of what Kakashi was doing he answered.
"This is Mienai Tenshi. She will be staying in Konoha and will be joining the academy. I'd like you to take her to the address i wrote down for her and tomorrow please help her do shopping for necessary items to live and the following day please escort her to the academy at 7:00 in the morning. I'll warn you now, Kakashi, get to know the kid, you'll be stuck with her for a while." The hokage gave a full hearty laugh smiling at the both of us as he dissmissed us.

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