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     "Good! Um I'm Mienai by the way and this is Naruto! Always let him in okay but no one else even if they look like him only this one okay? I know you're smart and can tell!" She explained to the vines she now called roseys. The vines gestured that it understood her and seemed please that she had completed it. The vines couldn't speak and didnt have facial expressions, but you could tell what the vines felt, the energy would shift and the flowers would change. Naruto helped Mienai put her stuff away after hesitantly saying a hello  to the vines. They talked and hung out and got to be better friends. Eventually the fell fast asleep on Mienai's couch.


     The next day Mienai and Naruto awoke to Kakashi knocking on the front door. Mienai groggily got up, making her way to the door as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She swung the door open to see Kakashi standing there. Kakashi looked past her to see everything had been tidied and naruto was snoring pretty loudly on the couch, 'hmm seems naruto stayed the night... I hope I wont have to keep an eye on them... together...' Kakashi thought to himself."What do you wanttttttt?" Mienai asked quietly, draging out the end of her words. Kakashi eyed her for a moment before answering.
"Checking on you and seeing if you needed any help shopping like the Hokage ordered." She blinked at him for a moment before appearing to understand what he was saying though truthfully she hadn't understood a word. All Mienai knew was she was not  awake enough for anything. She simply turned around, leaving the door open as a silent invitaion to Kakashi.
     "I'll be back help yourself or whatever." Mienai practically sassed at him in her tired state as she walked off towards her room to get ready for the day. As Mienai was about to get into the shower she heard Naruto yelling at Kakashi for waking him up and damanding to know who he was and Kakashi scolding him and not answering his question completely by simply saying he's a friend of Mienai's. She shook her head chuckling slightly as she got in the shower.
     Mienai walked into the living room to see Naruto huffing on the couch in the spot furthest from Kakashi and the latter looking highly amused leaning against a wall. She looked between the two for a moment before speaking.
"Yo what did I miss?" She didn't miss the glare Naruto threw at kakashi, though he thought she had, before he turned bright and cheery towards her.
"I was thinking we could hang out! Believe it!" Naruto practacally screamed at her, he was obviously a little too excited to have a new friend. The fact that Naruto wanted to spend time with Mienai made her happy, such in fact, she let out a small laugh at his antics, thinking he was cute.
"Well I need to buy things for the house," Naruto immediately started pouting upon hearing her words, "but you're more than welcome to join Kaka Baka and I to the shops." Mienai smiled seeing Naruto perk up upon hearing he was invited to tag along.


Sorry for the extremely short chapter been super busy but i will update soon :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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